BP/W phenomenon

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What I meant by evolution isn't that only newbies wear BC's, my OW instructor who had been diving for upwards of 20 years wears a BC, but, if he were to progress into more advanced forms of diving, he could still use "Tech BC's" but I suspect he would move into a Back Plate setup eventually even if his preference in the start was the tech BC, that progression from a preference of tech BC to eventually just going to BP setup is the evolution part.

Or, enlightenment :)

Thats the way it appears from where I am sitting, maybe I need to move seats but it sure looks like this to me.
Problem with boxers is they tend to bunch up under the wetsuit, causing painful pinching.
I took a 9 year hiatus from diving and when I got back into it, the maker of my equipment was either next to unheard of or out of business. I quickly bought new gear including a Mares BC. That was in Feburary of 2004. I used it to get back into the swing of things but by the end of summer, I had sold it and bought an Oxycheq BP/W single. I also have an older Dive Rite double's wing (it has some history with a tech diver friend of mine who has MS and can no longer dive).

I think there is a trend but I believe it is because information is becoming easier to find. I'm by no means a tech diver (yet). I have only logged a little over 40 dives since I've been back in the groove, but I think it has definitely helped with my trim, my SAC rate and everything. I am very comfortable in it and have done some unbelievable things in it since I've gotten back into diving.

Another thing to thing about is the more exposure (such as being in Rodale's) they get the more they will sell. It is like anything, people want what the "pros" or "big boys" have. Just because Tiger Woods has a set of clubs, other people want them too. The difference is, having his clubs is not going to improve your game much, going to a BP/W can often offer a decent gain in performance.
What I meant by evolution isn't that only newbies wear BC's, my OW instructor who had been diving for upwards of 20 years wears a BC, but, if he were to progress into more advanced forms of diving, he could still use "Tech BC's" but I suspect he would move into a Back Plate setup eventually even if his preference in the start was the tech BC, that progression from a preference of tech BC to eventually just going to BP setup is the evolution part.


Maybe it's just the word 'evolution' and 'evolve' and 'progress' that have me scratching my head. They give me the impression that one does not possess the skills necessary to do something until they have 'progressed' or 'evolved'. I don't feel that because someone doesn't have an interest in technical diving, that they haven't evolved or progressed. They give me the 'I'm better than you' heebeegeebees.

On the other hand, I'm sure that I'm probably just reading into those words based on my own personal perceptions and that's not why you're using that choice of words.

Also, BP's have been around for a very long time, they're not new at all, so they are not an evolution or advancement in diving.
I have only logged a little over 40 dives since I've been back in the groove, but I think it has definitely helped with my trim, my SAC rate and everything. I am very comfortable in it and have done some unbelievable things in it since I've gotten back into diving.

A diver isn't made by his/her equipment.

Since you mentioned it, what kind of 'unbelievable' things have you done in your BP/W over your past 40 dives since returning to diving?
A diver isn't made by his/her equipment.

Since you mentioned it, what kind of 'unbelievable' things have you done in your BP/W over your past 40 dives since returning to diving?

....ice diving for one, which I know may not be unbelievable (though for a growing up in the south and living in the north, those who know me would concur) to some as well as I know it obviously is done in a jacket. The thing for me is I feel more comfortable (not squished) in the BP/W and though you're right, the equipment doesn't make the diver, being comfortable in it though, does make it easier to do things you'd never dream of doing. I'm a bigger guy (though I work out everyday so not meaning unfit) and the jacket made me feel like I was fighting all the time, not being streamlined and feeling like I was a goodyear blimp under water. My SAC rate was through the roof. Within a couple weeks after going to the BP/W, being more streamlined and so forth, my SAC rate went down and my confidence went way up.
....ice diving for one, which I know may not be unbelievable (though for a growing up in the south and living in the north, those who know me would concur) to some as well as I know it obviously is done in a jacket. The thing for me is I feel more comfortable (not squished) in the BP/W and though you're right, the equipment doesn't make the diver, being comfortable in it though, does make it easier to do things you'd never dream of doing. I'm a bigger guy (though I work out everyday so not meaning unfit) and the jacket made me feel like I was fighting all the time, not being streamlined and feeling like I was a goodyear blimp under water. My SAC rate was through the roof. Within a couple weeks after going to the BP/W, being more streamlined and so forth, my SAC rate went down and my confidence went way up.

Why do i read SB at 2am on a friday night? Dang....
Squished in a BC? You're overwighted! Hands down. I have never felt "squished" in a BC. (i wear a Scubapro Glide Plus) I dive more often and have better buoyancy than 98% of people who read this board! (Yes flame as much as you want, i don't wear a crotch strap....) I wear 4 pounds with a 7mm. When it was brand spanking it was 6 pounds. I will/would wear a BP/W for tech diving if i visit Truk or Bikini and need multiple tanks. That is what it is made for. However, i don't wear it for everyday diving. Why? It is not needed and i don't want some stupid strap caressing my nether regions.
I dive single tanks each and every day. Sometimes i even go into unplanned DECO! Gasp! Shock!

Believe you me i discovered a fine way of diving (in a Jacket BC :11: ) long before i ever logged onto Scubaboard.

Don't give me this garbage about advanced divers leaning to BPW's. Thats all it is, GARBAGE!
I challenge any of you vocal BPW supporters to a buoyancy contest. Good freakin luck to any of you!

What makes me laugh is that all of you have about an average of 100 dives and all talk out of your nether regions. Those who are actually experienced with the set up as opposed to learining it here on the board are fine. You know what you are talking about and thats great, i have no problem with that. BPW has its place and i understand that, i use it for multi tank stuff myself. But, dang i am so sick of reading about people with 75 dives trying to tell me i am a rookie when i dive 100 dives per month!

BUT! This is my first blow up about this subject and well deserved, am sick of reading this self righteous crap!

In fact i had a friend read this before i posted it and he thinks i am being polite and generous!
Thanks for listening to my rant! :D :14: :crafty:
Mike Veitch:
Why do i read SB at 2am on a friday night? Dang....
Squished in a BC? You're overwighted! Hands down. I have never felt "squished" in a BC. (i wear a Scubapro Glide Plus) I dive more often and have better buoyancy than 98% of people who read this board! (Yes flame as much as you want, i don't wear a crotch strap....) I wear 4 pounds with a 7mm. When it was brand spanking it was 6 pounds. I will/would wear a BP/W for tech diving if i visit Truk or Bikini and need multiple tanks. That is what it is made for. However, i don't wear it for everyday diving. Why? It is not needed and i don't want some stupid strap caressing my nether regions.
I dive single tanks each and every day. Sometimes i even go into unplanned DECO! Gasp! Shock!

Believe you me i discovered a fine way of diving (in a Jacket BC :11: ) long before i ever logged onto Scubaboard.

Don't give me this garbage about advanced divers leaning to BPW's. Thats all it is, GARBAGE!
I challenge any of you vocal BPW supporters to a buoyancy contest. Good freakin luck to any of you!

What makes me laugh is that all of you have about an average of 100 dives and all talk out of your nether regions. Those who are actually experienced with the set up as opposed to learining it here on the board are fine. You know what you are talking about and thats great, i have no problem with that. BPW has its place and i understand that, i use it for multi tank stuff myself. But, dang i am so sick of reading about people with 75 dives trying to tell me i am a rookie when i dive 100 dives per month!

BUT! This is my first blow up about this subject and well deserved, am sick of reading this self righteous crap!

In fact i had a friend read this before i posted it and he thinks i am being polite and generous!
Thanks for listening to my rant! :D :14: :crafty:

I smell Troll!

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