BP/W phenomenon

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Mike Veitch:
Why do i read SB at 2am on a friday night? Dang....
Squished in a BC? You're overwighted! Hands down. I have never felt "squished" in a BC. (i wear a Scubapro Glide Plus) I dive more often and have better buoyancy than 98% of people who read this board! (Yes flame as much as you want, i don't wear a crotch strap....) I wear 4 pounds with a 7mm. When it was brand spanking it was 6 pounds. I will/would wear a BP/W for tech diving if i visit Truk or Bikini and need multiple tanks. That is what it is made for. However, i don't wear it for everyday diving. Why? It is not needed and i don't want some stupid strap caressing my nether regions.
I dive single tanks each and every day. Sometimes i even go into unplanned DECO! Gasp! Shock!

Believe you me i discovered a fine way of diving (in a Jacket BC :11: ) long before i ever logged onto Scubaboard.

Don't give me this garbage about advanced divers leaning to BPW's. Thats all it is, GARBAGE!
I challenge any of you vocal BPW supporters to a buoyancy contest. Good freakin luck to any of you!

What makes me laugh is that all of you have about an average of 100 dives and all talk out of your nether regions. Those who are actually experienced with the set up as opposed to learining it here on the board are fine. You know what you are talking about and thats great, i have no problem with that. BPW has its place and i understand that, i use it for multi tank stuff myself. But, dang i am so sick of reading about people with 75 dives trying to tell me i am a rookie when i dive 100 dives per month!

BUT! This is my first blow up about this subject and well deserved, am sick of reading this self righteous crap!

In fact i had a friend read this before i posted it and he thinks i am being polite and generous!
Thanks for listening to my rant! :D :14: :crafty:

Try some fiber man....

I'd take you up on that bouancy challange, regardless of gear.

Define advanced diver? I believe there is a difference between advanced and experienced, or in my opinion, use of the words, exprience, 100 dives a month, diving for 50 years, thats one expreienced diver, I don't care what gear they use, but now what kind of diving is that? Reef? Teaching class?

Now take a deep wreck diver on trimix, not a patch diver a real trained diver, thats an advanced diver, you bet your BC that he is going to have on a harness.

I dont' beleive your gear makes you a rookie, a good diver, a bad diver, but when I hop on a boat and see the vest, ankle weights and split fins, I know this person is not a deep wreck diver, cave diver or things along that line, yet, they could be very very exprienced, but they are not advanced.
Wow, talk about ego!

Mike Veitch:
I will/would wear a BP/W for tech diving if i visit Truk or Bikini and need multiple tanks. That is what it is made for.

No - It's made for Diving. Nothing was more pleasent than a 72 and a backplate, take it from someone who used the old "lord of the Dring" setup.

Mike Veitch:
However, i don't wear it for everyday diving. Why? It is not needed and i don't want some stupid strap caressing my nether regions.

Then don't wear the crotch strap!! Why own 2 pieces 2 do 1 job?
Heck, A BC isn't even REALLY needed. We dove just fine without em, It's just easier and more enjoyable with a bc. If you dive dry a bc is extranious then too.

Mike Veitch:
Don't give me this garbage about advanced divers leaning to BPW's. Thats all it is, GARBAGE!

Advanced divers can tell the diference between hype and what works - so advanced divers are more likely to switch - the BP/W just works better.

Mike Veitch:
I challenge any of you vocal BPW supporters to a buoyancy contest. Good freakin luck to any of you!

I'll take that challenge!! comeon up to AK.
No - It's made for Diving. Nothing was more pleasent than a 72 and a backplate, take it from someone who used the old "lord of the Dring" setup.

Then don't wear the crotch strap!! Why own 2 pieces 2 do 1 job?
Heck, A BC isn't even REALLY needed. We dove just fine without em, It's just easier and more enjoyable with a bc. If you dive dry a bc is extranious then too.

Advanced divers can tell the diference between hype and what works - so advanced divers are more likely to switch - the BP/W just works better.

I'll take that challenge!! comeon up to AK.

CIBDiving, right on man with everythig you said, remove the crotch strap if it bothers you, and if it is chances are you have it on too tight, gotta let the boys breath some!
Daryl, believe what you will. My old captain (Palau and Tahiti Aggressors for 6 years) used a BPW for all his dives and yes i used it. Gosh, i might even know what i am talking about!!!! Shocking here on this chat room.....

Setting moorings at depth with multiple tanks, (is 200+ feet considered depth?) as i said, its great for that sort of thing. But! i would never use it for my everyday diving. No need whatsoever, you and Don can come on out and argue all you like.
I am not saying a BPW is a bad thing, its great for its purpose and i use one myself in those situations. BUT! (am just making up this number) 80+ % of divers are not using multiple tanks, are not doing deco, are not working on moorings and therefore don't need it.
I am not ranting about BP/S, they are great for their purpose. What i am ranting about is these people who shove the whole BPW idea down everyone's throat on this board! ( am frankly surprised i have held out for a whole year....blame life as a diver on a small island if you like...)

Ahh, rant number two...thanks again
Mike Veitch:
Why do i read SB at 2am on a friday night? Dang....
Squished in a BC? You're overwighted! Hands down. I have never felt "squished" in a BC. (i wear a Scubapro Glide Plus) I dive more often and have better buoyancy than 98% of people who read this board! (Yes flame as much as you want, i don't wear a crotch strap....) I wear 4 pounds with a 7mm. When it was brand spanking it was 6 pounds. I will/would wear a BP/W for tech diving if i visit Truk or Bikini and need multiple tanks. That is what it is made for. However, i don't wear it for everyday diving. Why? It is not needed and i don't want some stupid strap caressing my nether regions.
I dive single tanks each and every day. Sometimes i even go into unplanned DECO! Gasp! Shock!

Believe you me i discovered a fine way of diving (in a Jacket BC :11: ) long before i ever logged onto Scubaboard.

Don't give me this garbage about advanced divers leaning to BPW's. Thats all it is, GARBAGE!
I challenge any of you vocal BPW supporters to a buoyancy contest. Good freakin luck to any of you!

What makes me laugh is that all of you have about an average of 100 dives and all talk out of your nether regions. Those who are actually experienced with the set up as opposed to learining it here on the board are fine. You know what you are talking about and thats great, i have no problem with that. BPW has its place and i understand that, i use it for multi tank stuff myself. But, dang i am so sick of reading about people with 75 dives trying to tell me i am a rookie when i dive 100 dives per month!

BUT! This is my first blow up about this subject and well deserved, am sick of reading this self righteous crap!

In fact i had a friend read this before i posted it and he thinks i am being polite and generous!
Thanks for listening to my rant! :D :14: :crafty:
Are we a little cranking this morning? I bet you wouldn't do 100 dives a month where I live. I bet you wouldn't use 4 pounds of weight where I dive. I have used both a jacket style BC and BPW, I prefer the BPW because of comfort. I hope the rest of your day goes well for you.
Mike, I don't understand why you think a BP/W is not good for everyday recreational diving?
Because it caresses his nether regions and he does not like that.
Because it caresses his nether regions and he does not like that.
I think he could use a little nether region caressing.
Mike Veitch:
Daryl, believe what you will. My old captain (Palau and Tahiti Aggressors for 6 years) used a BPW for all his dives and yes i used it. Gosh, i might even know what i am talking about!!!! Shocking here on this chat room.....

Setting moorings at depth with multiple tanks, (is 200+ feet considered depth?) as i said, its great for that sort of thing. But! i would never use it for my everyday diving. No need whatsoever, you and Don can come on out and argue all you like.
I am not saying a BPW is a bad thing, its great for its purpose and i use one myself in those situations. BUT! (am just making up this number) 80+ % of divers are not using multiple tanks, are not doing deco, are not working on moorings and therefore don't need it.
I am not ranting about BP/S, they are great for their purpose. What i am ranting about is these people who shove the whole BPW idea down everyone's throat on this board! ( am frankly surprised i have held out for a whole year....blame life as a diver on a small island if you like...)

Ahh, rant number two...thanks again

....between expressing your opinion and jumping up people's rear ends because of their choices and because you seem to need something to b1atch about. You are right that 80+% of divers are not in a BP/W, because BP/Ws are relatively new to the "recreational" diving community which makes up those 80+% divers. I also wasn't challenging you to a contest either. I don't have 3000+ dives but many of these other people seem to have just as much if not more but I won't speak for them.

If you haven't figured out, much of this board is made up of serious divers who are beyond the 2 dives per year while on vacation sort of thing. Many of them are cave, wreck, tech, etc. and therefore their opinions are going to be based around their experience. Also remember, there is a little thing called educated debate. Being a hot-head is not going to prove your point and will make you even less believable (no matter how many dives you have).

Another little note is, just because I haven't done much diving with a moderate amount of dives in the past year (I have a 2 kids, full time job, working on finishing my degree and on call all the time) but that doesn't mean I haven't had experience. The reason I started diving was because the people around the lake I grew up on wanted their docks worked on, boats scrubbed, etc. These were max of 80 feet (on some of the anchors for the docks)in very bad vis but I was getting paid $25 an hour to do so and was great college money. I was also doing on average 4 dives a day several days a week. When I got married and moved north did I stop diving because of the huge transition going on in my life along with the lack of money at the time to switch to a drysuit, cold water regulator, etc.

Perhaps you should stay off scuba board at 2 am......

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