BP/W or Knighthawk for beginner AOW

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Taking AOW this summer in NJ. Plan on wreck diving and possibly migrating into technical training for extended bottom times. I have 15 dives, only 4 of which have been in cold water.

I've never been satisfied with the support from any BC I've worn, jacket or back inflation; including different sizes or brands. I put on a Transpac last week in the store and it reminded me of my hiking pack, a very enveloping fit. This isn't a BP/W setup, but what's the benefit of the Transpac over the transplate? I like how the plate is -6# bouyant. Plan on single tank diving for awhile until I get 50+ dives for any technical training. Would something like the knighthawk be more conducive for stablity with a single tank? Many postings in the archives contend that the BP/W setup is fine for AOW student.

Is the Trans plate/pac too much for a beginner? I feel that when I go into the store I'm directed to buy what they stock (obviously) but I don't appreciate store owners whom trash other gear (which they don't carry for whatever reasons).

Thank you
I was using a BP/W by my 15th dive. My buddy was using the OMS transpak clone.

I don't think that you will go all that wrong with either.

I was using a BP/W by my 15th dive. My buddy was using the OMS transpak clone.

I don't think that you will go all that wrong with either.


no stability issues? That's what the stores that don't carry these products tell me, that stability will suffer. If I buy the right wing, should be ok? I bet the margin on these setups is probably razor thin...
I've been diving the Zeagle Ranger LTD for 2 years until this weekend, when I started diving a DiveRite TransPlate with SS Plate and Deluxe harness. I won't go back to the Ranger, the Transplate is stable and with the Venture Wing it is perfect for a single tank. You won't go wrong with this setup.
If you plan on diving a lot, I don't forsee why a TransPac II or TransPlate would be "too much" for a beginner. If you only plan on doing a few warm water dives a year, then sure, you might not want to spend the extra dollar. However, if you're actively diving, and plan on expanding in the future, both the rigs are very nice set-ups.

For TransPac II vs TransPlate, the pro of the TransPac II is that it's a softpac. Some people find this more comfortable (and that's why it was designed). And when I have to hike to the water, I find the TransPac II comfortable too. The pro of the TransPlate, as you mentioned, is that it's weighted. I dive a backplate in cold water for this reason. But my buddy dives a TransPac II and has no desire to move to a bp.

As for stability, I have found that both the TransPac II and a backplate/wing set-up to be very stable with a single tank. I usually dive LP95s at home, and I feel solid.

Here are some links to TransPac II discussions that you might find helpful:

* Transpac II and wing question
* Travel Wing or Venture Wing for Transpac II???

As for with doubles, I'll defer to someone else who has experience diving doubles in both rigs to chime in. I'm purely a singles diver at the moment, and so anything I say with regards to doubles will be purely be based on internet diving :p
I am currently using BP/W and Knighthawk.

For a sport diving with a single tank diving, I can say there is not much difference. Many members argue that BP/W provides more streamline, but Knighthawk is also back inflation BC and has a good reputation. The one of big advantage for a BP/W is that you can carry less amount of weight due to the BP weight. But, it doesn’t mean that your total weight you have to carry is changed.

For the double set up, BP/W set up is the better configuration. You can switch the wing depending your required tank loading. The Knighthawk is also fine with a moderate tank loading, such double AL80s though. So, if you plan to move to the double tanks set up, you had better stick to BP/W set up. Like I said, it is a versatile configuration.

I have seen many tech divers and instructors who are using Transpac instead of Hogarthian harness. So, there is no better tech oriented set up between Transpac and just simple harness.
I started diving in BP+Wing with only about 20 dives logged. I don't think being a beginner is an issue here.

I never regret switching to BP+Wing. I fell in love with it since my first dive. The only thing you need to be awared of is trying to stay vertical on the surface. As it is with back inflation bc, your wing will instinctly go horizontal so you either face down or up. If you actually decided to go with BP+Wing, I suggest you add the cotch strap and trim weight pockets on the tank cam strap. With them I have no problem staying straight up on the surface.

I definitely support the idea to switch to BP+Wing or TransPac. If you have the chance, might want to try the backplate. You will know if you would enjoy it as much as we do. I do know of people not liking the setup. :wink:
very helpful, thanks for the comments and the thread links.

then it's settled, I plan on diving in cold (NJ) and warm water so I'll purchase a transplate over the transpac, if only because of the negatively bouyant backplate.

I'm going to the smaller dive shop tomorrow, they carry Dive Rite but only special order. The fellow (an OMS fan) said he'd have a knowledgable Dive Rite person get me fit and setup, but we're still ordering from the catalog (at least I've tried on the M/L transpac at the crummy dive superstore and it fits). Oh yea, the guy at the crummy superstore told me a plate fit into the transpac, and, "that's how he dives." He attempted to attach the plate, eventually capitulated, and said, "you know what I mean." I didn't think the Transpac used or was even possibly to use with a plate??

Transplate Delxue Harness
Transplate (SS)
Crotch strap
Trim pouches

What about the Single Tank Adapater, tank cam setup... please be specific so I'll have and idea when I order in the store tomorrow.
very helpful, thanks for the comments and the thread links.

then it's settled, I plan on diving in cold (NJ) and warm water so I'll purchase a transplate over the transpac, if only because of the negatively bouyant backplate.

I'm going to the smaller dive shop tomorrow, they carry Dive Rite but only special order. The fellow (an OMS fan) said he'd have a knowledgable Dive Rite person get me fit and setup, but we're still ordering from the catalog (at least I've tried on the M/L transpac at the crummy dive superstore and it fits). Oh yea, the guy at the crummy superstore told me a plate fit into the transpac, and, "that's how he dives." He attempted to attach the plate, eventually capitulated, and said, "you know what I mean." I didn't think the Transpac used or was even possibly to use with a plate??

Transplate Delxue Harness
Transplate (SS)
Crotch strap
Trim pouches

What about the Single Tank Adapater, tank cam setup... please be specific so I'll have and idea when I order in the store tomorrow.

You won't need the single tank adapter to dive single tank as the backplates come 2 tank strap slots.

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