BP/W banned in DM Course

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When I'm teaching a class what I say goes. There's no room for being "Fair" in being Safe.

Again - I'm an advocate of BP&W and I like for my students to wear them. But the instructor is in charge and what he says goes. In this case, I think most of us think he's nuts but it's his class.

Our OP should look take a positive spin from this. A good diver/DM should be able to grab any gear config off a shelf and dive it proficiently. So this is good practice with alternate configs.

No, sorry I can't see how he is being safe. He's making a judgement based on his own feelings rather than looking at the bigger picture.
We're talking PADI here, so we're also taking sales. If the DM turns up in all his won kit, then he's listened to the PADI spiel and presented himself looking like a role model. This is the what PADI wants. The instructor will be wearing his own kit, so should his DM and the students will be in rental kit, this should elicit questions on owning personal kit. If the DM now switches and looks like a rental drone what example is he setting?
I don't think the instructor is being fair at all.

We know the OP is wearing BP/W, but would the instructor also ban a Scubapro Knighthawk, or SeaQuest Black Diamond or even a Zeagle Stilletto? All are back inflate/ semi wing BCD's.

Where is the line?

While a DMC I was told I couldn't wear my current BC because it wasn't a product line the shop carried. They offered to sell me one of their brand lines for a small discount.

Not much different than 'can't wear and Hog configuration.'. Likely it's because the shop isn't supporting that gear configuration in their sales.
DevonDiver wrote
Nope...its the student's course. It's funny how some 'professionals' forget that.
I just wanted to repeat that.
While a DMC I was told I couldn't wear my current BC because it wasn't a product line the shop carried. They offered to sell me one of their brand lines for a small discount.

Not much different than 'can't wear and Hog configuration.'. Likely it's because the shop isn't supporting that gear configuration in their sales.

BOHICA! For those not familiar with the term it stands for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again!" When a shop says this it's time to run or ask the question "You are refunding the tuition I paid you then, correct?"

Once you are actually a DM and working for the shop they can require a "uniform". Until then you are a student with your own gear. If you are competent and perform all the needed skills in it making you buy gear is not much short of charging you double for the course. A DM is indeed supposed to be a role model. But in my eyes there is HUGE DIFFERENCE between a role model and friggin billboard. Even the guys carrying the sandwhich signs get paid fer chrissakes!

If you are required to own gear the shop sells the least they can do is give it to you at cost plus shipping or keyman. Otherwise they are just using you. In most cases they are already getting free labor, probably not reimbursing you for the gas you use, and giving you what -free air? And discounts? How big of a discount is say $100 on a BC when you are going to spend 200 or more in fuel going to and from pool, classroom, and checkouts? Plus food, lodging, etc.

The whole role model thing has been bastardized into something based on sales as opposed to the things you should be modeling which are far more important - excellent buoyancy and trim, demo quality skills, thorough dive planning skills, dive theory knowledge, and dive safety. Selling anything should not even be part of it.
Now I'm a UTD DM. There are two local shops that are SSI or PADI, to the core. They know me and I'm happy to say that in the near future I'll be working with them in some capacity as a UTD DM.

AFAIU, PADI Standards do not allow an assistant who is not at least PADI DM certified. You could be UTD Cave Trimix Instructor certified and still not be allowed by Standards to assist a PADI Intro Dive if not at least PADI DM. :dontknow:
Just for the record, I am not poo-pooing my instructor. On the other hand I think he is a very good instructor. Its just that his decisions about my rig just left me really bummed out :depressed:

Now I am actually worried that he will tell me not to use the frog kick in case his students get confused about the propulsion techniques...one of the OW students already emulated me and asked me about it :banned:

If you are student then you should wear whatever is safe and not inconsistent with the course. However, once you become an employee then you do what the boss says. Everyday my boss says to do things that I don't like, disagree with and (it bums me out) ...does anyone care??

One of the primary goals is to sell gear, If you are wearing gear that is radically different than what is sold, you can't expect the instructor to allow you to wear whatever the hell you want.

Get a new job if this one bums you out too much.

When I worked as a DM, my gear was such an abortion, that they made me wear rental gear during classes and on training dives. I was HAPPY about it.
When I'm teaching a class what I say goes. There's no room for being "Fair" in being Safe.

So, someone will die if there is a DMC observing the class in a BP&W? :dontknow:
So, someone will die if there is a DMC observing the class in a BP&W? :dontknow:

It would be horrible and painful
Note that said that I haven't been back in said dive shop for over two years.

I dive for me now. Sadly, most professionals I know lose that. Instructors, DMs, etc. It's a job. Of the diferently professionals I know in my area, only one or two do dives beyond the normal 20/20 OW check out.

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