BP/W banned in DM Course

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When training a new diver success is not them earning an open water certification, success is seeing them dive next year.

Beautifully said. New sig line.
I am taking my dive master now if the Inst. tells me to use another set of gear guess want, he knows more than I do, so if I keep my trap shut I may learn something. If I have to move tanks for 600-1000 yards guess what I am going to do. Right Bitch under my breath and grab the tanks and move them to where the need to be. I am lucky though the inst. I picked has been doing this for years and is also a tec diver and a really great guy. I know other inst. but I would tell other people that Jeff is the person that they need to go with.:D

DMCs are not slaves. Neither are DMs. Don't put up with that.

Should you help out - yes! Its part of the gig. Should you be doing things that make you bitch under your breath - no! That is a sign that you either need to better understand why you are asked to do something (because if there is a good reason it shouldn't be making you bitch under your breath) or you and the instructor need to come to a better understanding of how this works out.

As to the gear, I posted earlier, its complete BS to tell a DMC they need to buy different gear unless what you have is unsafe or makes it impossible for you to properly observe and participate as you should during your coursework. If you need something particular, borrow it. IMHO, the shop should let you use rental gear if they don't want you to use your gear for whatever reason.

Once you cross the line to DM, if you stay on with the shop - then they can tell you what to wear in classes if they want to because they can run their business however they want. But until then, you are a paying customer/student and that should not be happening.
As an aside the BSAC also doesn't allow a hogarthian setup to be used in a teaching environment. If I wanted to further my training within the British SubAqua Club, I would have to change my current configuration or the course, which is a nonsense.
As an aside the BSAC also doesn't allow a hogarthian setup to be used in a teaching environment. If I wanted to further my training within the British SubAqua Club, I would have to change my current configuration or the course, which is a nonsense.

Good thing I'll never be taking any training from them. Foolish.

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if I keep my trap shut I may learn something.
You'll learn a lot more by asking questions and finding out why something is the way it is.
I look at it like this. Pete you know me if I don't understand something I would be first to speak up. Put then again I also believe in paying your dues. I don't mind moving tanks or changing gear. I want to know how to use all types of gear. I have two sets know I after I get done with DM then I going to get my cave done then here in couple years after I get my RN I want to get my Inst. My Instructor would explain everything and if the info does not get into my head he will explain it to me several different ways. And Jeff is the type of person if I had to move tanks couple hundred yards Jeff would be right beside me moving everything right with me. I meet several people before I started taking classes again. I am very picky about my teachers. So I would tell the first poster may-be needs to talk to the Inst. just the two of them not in the middle of a class. If that does not help find another Inst.:dontknow:
I really don't see a need for 'technical attributes' mandated in a class for recreational assistants. Any instructor capable of providing are surely welcome, but to mandate a DM, which will assist with recreational classes, must be taught technical attributes of diving doesn't make sense.

That said, there is nothing technical about a BP/Wing. It's gear. The utilization of that gear defines its use. If the DM is competent in it's use then it's an addition to the class. They get to see another option in the BCD market.

First, the "technical attributes" in the PADI DM course has nothing to do with technical diving. I see that you are listed as a DM, but I am guessing that you are not a PADI DM (as it relates to the terminology aspect of the course).

The PADI DM course grades the candidate on his performance of the skill circuit. Each skill is graded 1 to 5. A grade of 3 means you did the skill without any problems. A grade of 5 means you did it without any problems and it was slow enough and exaggerated enough to be demonstration quality. To do the skill "correctly" means that the candidate completed the skills following a certain list of attributes related to the skill "as defined by PADI"; however, these attributes are not defined anywhere to the point that "you must do A, B, and C" to correctly do the skill.

This thread at the time of my post moved more into the behavior of some instructors and the ignorance that can be generated from the lack of information.

I agree that for a candidate (i.e. student) should be able to wear whatever gear he wants. I would prefer that the candidate wears gear that he is familiar with since I want him paying attention to the class and not messing with his gear.

Once that candidate becomes a DM for my shop, then I want him in shop gear.

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