book to recomend

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- A book about oxygen sensors, including oxygen cells, and solenoids
- Even engineering manuals (both rebreathers and OC regulators, and even oxygen sensors); yes, I want to see partial differential equations and integrals :)
I think these books are someone’s phd, probably no pde.s other than in published papers, someone’s desertation, and generic (non diving related) engineering text books
Chemistry of o2 cells isn’t my favorite niche so I haven’t chased after it that much but probably the dude that rund oxygen scientific (from Austria) has some papers published about that

I do share the hope of getting access in that corner of knowledge that you described, let’s keep looking
@ginti solenoid driven valves are very common and there’s quite a good literature about them as well (eg in the auto field)
The big challenge is paremeterizing them — which depends on the manufacturer releasing that in datasheeta, but they rarely do that publicly.
But it will mostly boil down to what part of the behavior you’d wanna model , I would assume (didn’t check yet) that for diving applications the dynamics responses and cycle speeds are slow enough to get good results via generic models and the limited amount of data in the specs released

I have spent sometime of my life digging into them, so I’d love to help out there
Also just noticed you’re from Munich — wanna geek out on that stuff over a beer?
Oxygen Measurement for Divers


John Clarke's _Breakthrough_ goes into the details of the scrubber (though perhaps not to the level you're desiring).
If you want to go technical:

- Parker O-ring Handbook. PDF is available here. Use this book as a reference unless you're 100% o-ring geek.
- Regulator Savvy. Available from Scuba Tools.
- Oxygen Hackers Guide. You need to know people who can share PDFs with you. Airspeed Press is out of business.
- Regulator Service and Maintenance. Same as above - need to know the folks with the PDF.
- Life Support System Design and Applications. ISBN: 978-0536596161
- Rebreathers: All books by Mel Clark.

Other interesting reads:

- Scuba Confidential. ISBN 978-1491049242
- Diving with Human Factors. The Human Diver - Counter-errorism in Diving - Home Page
I am in the EU, some books (like regulatory savvy) are not really available here... But thanks for suggesting!

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