lol, yeah, but you can't generalize from the experience of a few people.
say you meet four people who have horror stories about BMW cars... does that
mean BMW cars suck? or does it mean your sample may not be representative of the
general BMW owner's experience?
in this case, the overwhelming majority of divers say Bonaire was a good trip for
them... so... while certainly being cautious, i wouldn't think of the place as a
crime-ridden hell hole.
ok... can we get back on topic, please?? which was the changes made to the
diving fees at the Bonaire National Park.
say you meet four people who have horror stories about BMW cars... does that
mean BMW cars suck? or does it mean your sample may not be representative of the
general BMW owner's experience?
in this case, the overwhelming majority of divers say Bonaire was a good trip for
them... so... while certainly being cautious, i wouldn't think of the place as a
crime-ridden hell hole.
ok... can we get back on topic, please?? which was the changes made to the
diving fees at the Bonaire National Park.