There was a group from Scuba Unlimited (Blue Ash, OH) there. I was to do cert. dives in my new dry suit. We waiting in the rain for the lightening to stop until about 11am then left to see about lunch and regrouping at 2:30. There was already about 10 inches of water in spots over the "road" to the east entries.
Well, the instructors got to the restaurant and hotel about 2 hours later. Apparently, two cars (OW students?) got flooded getting out of Waldron. Needless to say, the day's dives were cancelled to be tentatively rescheduled for the 21st. Sounds like that might be optimistic.
So Rob, which SU instructors didn't have the cahones to call off that weekend? Good grief, the weather report alone should have given them a hint. What a waste of time for the students.