It seems that ecoli was very high in the not so past and they still catch high levels. Talk to anyone that has been around for a while and they will tell you about the out houses down by the water(we're not talking port a johns).
Yup, been diving there off and on since 1995. Under the previous owner and previous caretaker, I use to refer to the place as the "Festering He!! Hole" or FHH for short. Hobster can atest to that moniker for the quarry.
It was not unusual at all to see a stream of water from the latrines, straight to the quarry on the Central Beach. The latrines were set up high and against the hillside, in the general area the changing shed is now. I always assumed there was a natural spring from that hillside, but also thought of what wonderful organisms it picked up on it's journey past the latrines.
When the FHH was at its worst, the then caretaker would collect your entry fee and head to casinos to blow it all. He usually left you instructions on how to operate the compressor.....which was an AED waiting to happen. And when the swimmers came in around Noon, all bets were off.
Believe me people, it's been a lot worse out there than it has been in recent years.