Any photos I post from another site, I get the url and wrap tags on either end...
example from FB (remove the spaces)...
[ img ][ /img ]
Hey! I didn't know you wuz be a geek! Thanks for sharing. Hope I remember to try that out, sometime.[COLOR="Silver"]
[SIZE=1]---------- Post added June 30th, 2014 at 10:34 AM ----------[/SIZE]
[/COLOR]About to hop in the minivan for a quick run down for at least the a few of the weekday high tides (if I can pull myself away from the Wimbledon coverage :D)
Should any of you esteemed bridgers wish to share intel, show off interesting finds, share a few beers, or just give me some buoyancy control tips, feel free. My email address ain't hard to find. Howerver, a lot of the amazing stuff Tim finds is way too tiny for me to make out and appreciate under water. And, I can't imagine John sharing his special scout's eyes. :D
Oh, and where's the pics of that little cornetfish??