We're planning to dive BHB tomorrow
Well, thanks a lot for coming by and saying "hello". . . - not!

I *did* get to say "hello" to d2diver by the new shower - which is *already* partially broken - by the playground, yet still a great improvement over the previous model.
It was in that very same area in which I got to meet a couple of folks from the South Florida Underwater Photography Society on Friday evening. Enjoyed talking to a couple of the male members - impressive folks - what with the kinds of places to which they routinely travel. I was again turned down at my request to be adopted by one of them. The female members seemed to congregate separately - much like at *other* parties I've attended.
I *did* get to harass Patrice Marker a fair bit on this weekend's trip. What an impressive individual. Her web site is:
About Us - Sea Clicks - Marine Life Images and Books. Her cutie-pie dive buddy was also pretty impressive - and not just because of her ability to point out 1/8 inch nudibranchs to Miss Patrice.
I *love* meeting and talking to impressive folks. Speaking of which, I also ran across Steven Kovacs, again, (and learnt that he is *also* a dentist) and Suzan Meldonian - who was most gracious in helping me with ideas for the Friday night dive, as well as with putting up with my pestering questions.
Now, this probably speaks more to my lack of skill than anything to do with what's "out and about", but if I hadn't taken a bunch of photos of the little octopus out on his hunt, I would have come up pretty empty on the Friday night dive. We had also diven Thursday on the late afternoon high tide, with the last of that dive being basically "night". Didn't find much to see on that one once it got dark, either.
I ran into a couple of DMDavid's compatriots from Fernandina at the shore as we began that dive, and they were *extremely* gracious about helping us with access to the bridge for *Saturday's* night dive - which Pura Vida had gotten "permitting" for this week, for the group from North Florida. (Best I can tell, all this "permitting" stuff is directly related to liability and its "insurance" issues - which the dive shops apparently are able to deal with). Anyway, in spite of all that fine assistance, we ended up bagging the Saturday night outing. Sorry if that caused any problems. . .
On the other hand, I *also* ran into divebob8. Enough said.

He can't even keep up with his camera.

Seriously, he recognized me (the bad hair thing) in the parking lot at Force E and we had a nice chat. He's even more fun in person than he is on line.
There had also been talk of a SFUPS dive on Saturday on the Little Deeper. The morning dive on Saturday was *so* early, that my buddy and I decided to sign up for the afternoon outing with Little Deeper. Once signed up, we learnt that the photo group had cancelled, and the boat was doing a couple of wreck dives at depths at which I'm less than comfortable. Ended up being a decent experience and I lived through it. Saw my first Cherubfish, as well as some kind of really pretty little damselfish with which I wasn't familiar. The Goliath Groupers were unbelievable. "Big" doesn't do some of them justice. And, I can still feel that "boom" noise they apparently make going through my body.
Hope to get around to getting some pics uploaded. Continue to run across things I've never seen before on nearly every dive at the bridge. It's simply an incredible place. . .
back in Savannah