I am doing the same, and I just rent 2 from Force E and bring them back after the a.m. dive. If you want to max your bottom time I would go with 2 tanks. Even a steel 100 that lasted me almost 2 hours was pretty much used up on a single dive. Although the current under the bridge makes that area diveable for only 45-60 minutes, there is a lot of good diving out in the muck and you can easily be 2 hours in the water.
Check with Force E because I don't know if they open at 7:00 or 8:00. 7:00 you might make it OK, 8:00 is too late.
Thanks, Guy,
I emailed them earlier and they said they open at 7 on Saturday, although I note that the website says 6:30 A.M., so it looks like I have a chance to make both dives with my steel 100 (and pony) - more like two and a half hours.
