Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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'In most males, this deterioration occurred at varying periods after mating and growth to a larger size

Kind of like us, I'd say. :)

I suspect healthy interaction is a matter of definition. Grabbing one and dragging it out of a hole for a big hug would stress the animal and maybe get you bitten. A proffered dangly thing to see if they want to reach for it seems acceptable. Just be ready if they want to explore a bit more:

Candidly, I get as excited as a little kid when I see more than one of them, so "octopi" doesn't offend me.

OK, if we take it a step further and use a collective noun as is done with other animals (a murder of crows, a skulk of foxes, an exultation of larks, etc.), what would we call a group of octopodes? A sucker? A wrestle? Hmmmmm....neither seems quite the right thing.

I open the floor to suggestions...
I would call it a good dive. :D

I would think that any human interaction with sea life, beyond observation, would only add to their stress and probably be detrimental.
as with any animal, I let the animal dictate the interaction. If I see them stressing, I back off.. Other times, they are just out right friendly...

Same octopus as above. It grew comfortable with my presence. Was out hunting, something spooked it and it flew back towards me, clinging on to my knee.

Not sure if this is the same octopus.. this dive was a month or so later. As soon as my buddy's camera flashed, it came out from hiding. My camera died, so I put it down, where it promptly got molested.
It has been my experience that octopi (puses, po) are each unique individuals. Some are super shy, refusing to leave their hidey-holes, some (like Stumpy) will jump on your leg or hand without a second thought. Others are totally oblivious to our presence. I posted this video last summer but now seems a good time re-post. Just a few fun observations about these colorful creatures.


Now on to the next question du jour: is the plural of manatee "manatee" or "manatees"?
Nice Octi Action!
Anyone going to be at the Force-E night dive tomorrow?

We might do that and then a sunrise dive the next morning. Anyone interested?

Scubajim, we are dying to see baby daddy, is he still around and "pregnant?"

I haven't seen Babby-Daddy in about a week, think he's had the kids and gone off to enjoy himself for awhile.
I'll defo be at the night dive so I'll see you there. Water was about 70 the other day so be aware that it gets cold after 90 minutes or so!
Not sure if I'll dive Sunday morning but I will be there Monday to dive with the Bouyancy Babes.
Thanks for the octo vid.
Never saw one digging a burrow like that. Very cool!
And here is one more from the same day when Stumpy molested Jenny's camera. I thought I posted this before but I don't see it in my uploaded photos. ScubagirlJ simply stuck her hand out and Stumpy hopped up like a little monkey. I don't recommend trying this at home ... these guys can (and will) nip.

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