Blue Heron Bridge Trolls III

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Went to the bridge for diving on Monday and Tuesday. Chain link fence is now along the length of the beach underneath the bridge (see last post). Sea temp was 78f both day, and visibility was a little diminished from the weekend at about 25ft both days, seemed like there was layer of green water on top of blue water that was not being completely washed out by the tide. Did REEF fish counts on both days, on the snorkel trail and later on scuba. Interesting less common species seen included Shortfin Pipefish, Longsnout Seahorse, Lined Seahorse, Reef Scorpoinfish, Orangeback Bass, Dwarf Frogfish, Belted Sandfish, Tiger Goby, some blenny in the Hairy Blenny Complex I can't identify and Juvenile Goliath Grouper. Lots of Atlantic Longarm Octopus around and one Common Octopus that cooperated for picture taking by coming out of her hole.

You can see from the image below that they put some cheap weak fence near the east abutment to prevent people from accessing the abutment. They also put some cheap weak fence on the beach from abutment to where the lifeguard stand used to be. Otherwise the whole beach can be accessed from the water. I believe if there are no workers under the bridge this weekend, the weak fencing won't last, and that people will access underneath the bridge from the water by using the abutment or walking around to the east and coming back to the west. Than it becomes a sheriff enforcement problem with the sheriffs there on a semi permanent basis to discourage individuals, which will get old fast if it becomes crowded. Also I can see if there are no workers on the weekend people sliding there paddleboards over the fence and then walking around to retrieve them.

Monday the park was crowded, Tuesday the park was not crowded. I do not know if it is because the word has gotten out and people are discouraged or if it was a waning of spring break vacationers. When I snorkel the trail a good 2.5 hours before high tide I enter the east and drift west, exiting as far west as possible. So yesterday I entered to snorkel the trail by walking east and crossing the road. I came west like I normally do, and it was lunch time for the workers so I exited west and walked through the wide open construction gate. Went to my truck, got scuba gear and entered the westside, again accessing the construction gate. Went I exited at 1500, I used the construction gate on the westside again. The construction workers paid no attention. This probably worked because I moved through there rapidly without getting in the way. Not sure if it will work going forward.

Respectively, Weak Fence, Octopus Out of Hole, Message For An Actual Pipehorse (not me), Tiger Goby, Eastbound Lane Closed Video
03-28-22 Weak Fence.jpg
03-28-23 Octopus.jpeg
03-28-23 Pipehorse rock.jpeg
03-28-23 Tiger GOby.jpeg

wonder if the rock was in the area the pipehorse has been seen.


  • P3080229.JPG
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That rusty goby! So freaking adorable!
The Peanut Island shuttle boat is not operating today due to Flotopia.

Expect a total zoo around the park from late morning on. Drunks in boats will likely be plentiful. Phill Foster park will likely close.
The Peanut Island shuttle boat is not operating today due to Flotopia.

Expect a total zoo around the park from late morning on. Drunks in boats will likely be plentiful. Phill Foster park will likely close.

Yuck!! Sitting safely at my computer way over here in Bonita Springs doesn't feel far enough away.
Both Jim Barry & Phill Foster parks were closed when I drove by around 1:00. Sheriffs were guarding the entrances to prevent anyone from coming in. The view of Flotopia that I got from the top of the bridge showed a crowd that was about 1/4 of what I had seen in the past.

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