Went to the bridge for diving today. Arrived at 0735 for a 0830 high tide. The park was not crowded. Added the state of Kentucky to the list of states observed in the parking lot. Entered the westside at 0800, as I was doing so I observed 2 women climb the rail on the pier and jump into the water. I have only ever seen people jump off the that cement flat on the eastside, never off the the pier before, the image is not very good, but I did catch them in midair. Visibility was about 20ft, sea temp at 74f, with a very strong southeast wind. Current on the westside was strong compared to 8 days ago. My strategy for dealing with that on the westside is to swim directly south after entry for about 30 yards, then regulate my kick to allow the current to slowly push me back toward the first set of accessible pilings, once I reach that first set of pilings I get on the lee side, and start searching for fish and critters. I continue from one set of pilings to the next until, I reach the pier and stay close to those pilings. Current is never as bad under the pier as it is under the pilings of the main bridge. Did a REEF fish count of 65 species in 70 minutes. Even in the 5mm with a hood I was cold for most of the dive. Observed a couple divers with zero thermal protection, offhand they did not seem uncomfortable to me. No particularly unusual species were observed today, but still a Flying Gurnard, 2 Striped Burrfish, and 4 Lined Seahorse. Respectively, Jumpers, Female Bluethroat Pikeblenny, Lined Seahorse, Shadow Hunting, Spotted Moray, Spotted Moray, and States Map.