Today's summary...
A tale of two divers.
Diver 1: I am shooting a sea horse, I get slapped in the head with a fin. Push the fin away. Then head fin slapping's buddy swoops in a shoves the go pro at the seahorse I'm trying to shoot. I put my hand out in the way of the go pro and signal WAIT!!! Head fin slapping diver swims overhead almost kicking the seahorse. I protect it from the wave action as diver passes.
Diver 2: I am shooting a male jawfish with eggs in its mouth. I notice a couple divers hoovering nearby. They patiently wait. I'm not going anywhere, so I motion them to approach and I back off to let them shoot. They do their shooting and thank me.
This is the way. Sometimes on night dives, I'll be shooting macro and get engulfed in silt... I look up and there's a tornado of divers following a guide. If they come towards me, they might get some silt thrown back at them