Black Groupers are darker, i.e. closer to a black color than brown color for Gag Groupers. Black Groupers ( in my experience) are more common than Gag Groupers. As for markings, the Black Groupers have regular rectangular shaped markings along their bodies. The markings are more random and irregularly shaped on a Gag Grouper. Gag Groupers have very pronounced marks radiating out from their eyes, Black Groupers not so much. The pectoral fin on a Black Grouper has a yellow margin (though you can't see from the image I posted). Besides Humann's books, I have a picture of the book I use for identification frequently, drawings not images. Respectively, book, Black Grouper drawing, Gag Drawing.Please help me to understand how you identify this as a Black grouper, rather than a Gag. I'm fairly certain that your ability to correctly identify this fish is far better than mine. I'm trying to learn.