Ok... well, lets dive into this a bit more (pun intended).
You are diving and your buddy has taken that turn around the bend ahead of you, he's not paying too much attention, but you have a serious issue coming from behind you. You can't tell if it's a hose break, an o-ring at a hose on your first stage, a tank o-ring, burst disk, whatever. Your buddy hasn't even noticed you are signalling like crazy. Which valve do you twist first? Me personally, if I can't quickly determine where the leak is, I'm shutting down the isolator.
You are diving and your buddy has taken that turn around the bend ahead of you, he's not paying too much attention, but you have a serious issue coming from behind you. You can't tell if it's a hose break, an o-ring at a hose on your first stage, a tank o-ring, burst disk, whatever. Your buddy hasn't even noticed you are signalling like crazy. Which valve do you twist first? Me personally, if I can't quickly determine where the leak is, I'm shutting down the isolator.