I'm sorry to hear about your injury Bruce, and hope you recover in short order.
I'm convinced that (although done with the best intentions) pressure washing has made things far worse. The dark red thick algae which was moderately slippery and outcompetes the other algaes in the long-term, has been scraped away and replaced with the filmy green algae that thrives in the short-term which is insanely slick and slippery. Furthermore, the ramp has gotten more pocked and potholed as the concrete itself is being scored away.
I don't think that suing anybody is the answer to anything (other than to get the park closed to diving). The fact of the matter is that diving is a voluntary activity that has dangers (just ask any insurance underwriter
). Just like DCS, AGE, etc... slip-and-fall is a risk that you assume when you go diving. Ideas like handrails, etc... have all been brought up before and all have serious issues that prevent them from being implemented.
I think the best thing you can do is to slow down and be careful. Use the boulders for handholds, or ask one of the other divers for assistance in and out. Also, if you are really concerned, try diving Lobos on days when the tide will be favorable during your entry/exit.