Beware Diver Emporium online retail site!!

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Hi! My husband and I are relatively new to diving but we have found most people who are involved in this sport to be very helpful and encouraging. Unfortunately, there are always exceptions and we thought other divers might want to know more about Captain Dave before they "click" to purchase anything.

I have included the e-mail exchange below because I want to honestly know what was so offensive about our original e-mail. Did we commit some major diving faux pas? We certainly don't want to alienate anyone!! Please let us know your opinion. The contents of the e-mails have not been edited.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 8:00 AM
Subject: Request for additional information

My wife and I are new to diving and I would like to ensure we are preparing and outfitting ourselves properly.
Would you be so kind to forward contact information as to how I might be able to verify that you are an authorized retailer of the Reefmaster cameras and Faber tanks.

In relation to the cameras or more specifically, online training for PADI. How do you accomplish this via the web? For such things as the photography specialty course.

Your service link was not working properly. What service do you support? If I had a problem with the camera, would this be something that you are authorized to do or would my wife & I route the equipment back to the manufacturer?

How does your shipping logically work? Do you charge for each individual item for shipping or the total order? This is really in relation to how you would be charging for shipping with tanks. This is something that we would be ordering about 4 low pressure tanks. Do you carry any sizes greater than the 95 cu ft low pressure? I have already been identified as an "air hog". If you do carry larger sizes, how much do you charge per the increase in size?

Thank you for your time and consideration to responding to this email.

From: "Diver Emporium" <>
Subject: Re: Request for additional information
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 09**12 -0700
I do not want someone like you for a customer please
go elsewhere.

Captain Dave

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:05 PM
Subject: Nice to Know

It is certainly nice to know that your company does not want to do business with divers who want to be better informed. We will certainly be happy to share this information with the members of our Dive Club and encourage them to do the same with other divers.

[Dave's response is below...]

Thank you for your frank bull****. We really do not want to do business with *******s like you so you make sure you spell the name correct Diver Emporium. you only reflect on yourself. Most people know the difference...Any advertising you give us is great. barnum and Bailey said it. "Any advertising is good advertising.. Your nasty really amounts to profits for us. It has happened over and over again so please talk us up to all you want to and I will make the profits.Even bad advertising is good advertising in the long run. Just love it....
Captain Dave

[end of e-mails]

I think Dave Britton's response really speaks volumes about him. I know I'm doing what he asked, but I can't imagine any intelligent human being wanting to do business with him, or any of the businesses affiliated with him, especially since he admits to this happening "over and over" again.

Can anyone explain his reaction to our initial e-mail though? :aeh:

(On a happier note, we bought our steel tanks for a cheaper price elsewhere.)

Assuming the conversation is unedited, one can only hope someone as rude and crass as that would be out of business before the end of the year.

FWIW... I checked the site briefly. Interestingly, clicking on the shopping cart button does not initiate a secure website. Even if the cart is empty, I would expect a secure connection. On my site ( I use paypal and even if the cart is empty, the connection still generates a secure web page.
No biggie. Captain Dave sounds like a jerk.

On a happier note, you're lucky you didn't give him any money.

if you're going to buy SCUBA equipment on the net, you should probably try someplace that's somewhere near water. Arizona isn't the diving capital of the world, and I'd suspect he doesn't do a ton of business.

Your profile doesn't say where yo live, but you might want to check and see if there are any local shops you like, since you can go in and look at the stuff in person.

As for tanks, they come in all sizes from quart-milk bottle to water-heater size. You probably don't need to buy a tank much bigger than a 95 or 108, although you're welcome to.


Hi! My husband and I are relatively new to diving but we have found most people who are involved in this sport to be very helpful and encouraging. Unfortunately, there are always exceptions and we thought other divers might want to know more about Captain Dave before they "click" to purchase anything.
Well, I would guess that means they are not authorized retailers for that equipment, and they didn't want to say it. BTW, the best way to find out if a shop is an authorized dealer is to ask the manufacturer instead of the shop. Many have dealers listed on their site, like this:
If you are still looking for an online dealer, go with or
Or anyone else that you find who answers your questions without being a *******ing a-hole.
Good luck to you
CHRIST!! Thanks for the heads up.
The web site lists him as the Operational Manager. I wonder what the ownership setup is. Might have to query Joel at TDL on this since they're in the same neck of the woods. I've run into guys like that over the years. Hey - six billion people on the planet now so you have to expect a whole bunch of **** weasels like this.
Offer a defense? Can't do it. Know a few things, however... Allow me to play Devil's Advocate here...

If you want to know if somebody is an authorized retailer, use your noggin'. Contact the manufacturer and get them. What would you expect retailer to do, scan his official membership card? Here's what he says on the website:

Warranty Information
We are authorized dealers for all the products we sell, and ALL products ordered come with a full manufacturer's warranty. If you are thinking about purchasing your dive gear elsewhere, be warned that you should not take the word of the dive provider as to whether or not they are authorized dealers. If they are not, your product will NOT come with a valid manufacturer's warranty.

Always contact the manufacturer directly and ask them. Call us at 1-520-408-DIVE to obtain the phone number(s) of the manufacturer(s) so that you may check us out.

I manage an e-commerce site. We get dozens of odd questions (no where worded as coherently as yours!) that could easily be resolved by your picking up the phone and calling. (They don't give a phone? Move on!) Your question about the PADI internet thing... Go to PADI's site and inquire. A dive operation doesn't have the time to tailor an individual response on such a lengthy subject. And, as you can see- some of them can barely write ANY sort of intelligible response.

I think your machine might have clunked out- I hit the website and found this:

Warranty Information
We are authorized dealers for all the products we sell, and ALL products ordered come with a full manufacturer's warranty.

That means that the product warranty varies by manufacturer. Bet a bunch that Cameras are handled by the manufacturer. Count on it. But you want to know? Call the manufacturer and ask. Or visit the store.

Seems like all your questions might have been answered if but not for digital dysfunction!

The shipping information seems pretty clear.

Shipping Expense

The actual cost of shipping your cylinder depends on the size of tank, the weight, and the destination. The actual UPS costs of the freight will be added to your invoice. There will therefore be two charges on your credit card. One for the tank and one for the freight. This will cover all variables including insurance and guaranteed delivery. The cost ranges from $19.00 West Coast to $34.00 East Coast. We ship from the warehouse in Lake Havasue, Arizona and the Luxfer warehouse in Los Angeles. There is no longer a shipping point on the east coast.

Actual UPS freight plus a actual cost of merchandise. Simple.

Profanity? No excuse.

But maybe, just maybe, by hearing the same question (as is clearly answered on their website) for the umpteenth time, well... maybe that was the straw that broke the Camel's Back. Maybe. NO excuse, but one heck of a reason.

I think their website design is faulty in that the click-links that had these answers was all but invisible with maroon type on deep blue. Bad design.

As to the tanks, asking for a 90, 95 or a 120 while admitting you're an air hog bespeaks other issues. Your air consumption will come around- stick with an Alu 80. That question would make my forehead wrinkle as well. Still- no excuse for profanity.

If you get such a large tank, buy one of those hernia trusses. Avoid the painful wait standing in line after you've suffered a rupture. :)

We coach our internet responders who field lengthy, basic and somewhat meandering interrogatives to encourage to writer to call us, providing our otherwise unpublished 800 number, but look- his is right there for you to use. It would be a five minute phone call versus a 45 minute reply.

On a final note, it is typical of complaint such as yours that they are your first Post #1 and that says a lot. You are obviously a gifted writer, your letter was quite readable, yet you just joined us on this forum to vent. Sytick around, contribute to other topics, gain credibility.

Me? Personally? I'd give him a try. I can swear like a Stevadore. (and I have also sat behind the counter at a dive shop and... have heard it all!)
Wow... As a retailer myself (not of scuba equipment) I wouldn't talk to a potential customer like that... Maybe if they were past the initial stage, and tried to pull something on me would they get an earful of my anger, but this is truly unprovoked.

It probably would have taken 5 minutes or more to type a reply to all of your questions, so obviously to this guy that's too much work for a potential customer?!?

As Doc pointed out all of the answers to your questions are already on the website for this merchant in question... He could have at least directed you towards his FAQ's or provided links to the answers, if he didn't know how to copy and paste from a website into an e-mail.

Either way... There's nothing wrong with being an educated consumer...

Also - IMO - If you own a website like this place shouldn't you get e-mail address at your domain too? instead of
Thanks for passing along the info about this
The Capt Dave story rang a bell form a thread about the real divers discount. I tried to find the thread but no luck. Someone else had a run in with this horse's patootie.

They seem to have 708 E Prince Rd in common
Check out the credentials of Capt Snorkel Bob Harbour at diverdiscount and your Capt Dave, dang they sure are similar

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