Please let me add a few facts and corrections to this thread.
* The X1 battery will go for 5 days diving, on a single charge - I do this regularly, and I have the first production X1 and still diving it.
* The V-Planner Live Dive log, has more technical details of the dive available for display than any other tech dive log program. It includes exports to other dive industry formats (UDDF).
* V-Planner Live and MultiDeco have more features than Shearwater, with the exception of SCR.
* The Depth and Time information on a X1 is Bigger, bolder, wider and taller than the Shearwater display.
* Online
database of real time, 60,000 actual dive profiles, for anyone to search through. This is the only public data base of today's tech diving practices. No one else has the courage to show this.
* X1 software is easily updated as required.
* The 4 axis tap system allows for a better menu system - more capable with quicker and more complex choices available. A 2 button system allows for only two choices, and is slow to use and fiddly to make changes.
* V-Planner Live and MultiDeco has one full featured price that includes everything. Shearwater will nickle and dime you $$$ for every little feature.
Thank you