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Milwaukee after several months on the board I thought maybe I should finally formally introduce myself. Here I am fully motivated....after just having returned from two wet weeks in Bonaire. I'm in cold Milwaukee, snow yet, can ya'll believe it? I'm not sure there's anything worse than returning from an incredible dive vacation to gray skies and drizzly air. Ah well, life is still great.

I'll take the time in the near future to post a trip report...Bonaire's economy was definitely hit hard by 9/11. Some resorts have closed, others not fully operational. Sad. Luckily not much has changed under water!!

Go Packers....and go Philly in Chicago next week....sorry Natasha!!

Live, love, dive, BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!
Welcome from NJ! (where the Jets have already been trounced!)
Don't worry about the delayed intro, many-including myself- have done the same thing.
Enjoy the board,
Good luck,
Hi and welcome from Rochester NY.

I think coming home to gray skies and cold temps, just helps me to appreciate my trips even more!

Looking forward to your report! :)

Welcome! You are experiencing something that my friends and I have coined the PMES - "Post Major Event Syndrome." Y'know, like leaving camp and all your new buds behind to return to boring dreary home. (Not that I am saying your home is boring nor dreary). I just came back from Curacao and so the PMES feeling is mutual. Ditto about the tourism industry being depressed down there - none of the Curacao resorts were any where near full, town was dead (except for one night when the cruise ships were in town), etc. But as this vacation was a get-a-way for me, it was just want I wanted.

See you around the boards!

Sunshine :hat:
(That being Post Vacation Syndrome!)

Have your next vacation planned before you return from your current one! I believe it's Tavi that takes it one step further - he always has the next 2 planned!

Welcome, and happy diving!

Scuba-sass :D
Glad you finally introduced yourself....let the hazing begin.

Welcome from Texas! Tavi has the secret....always have another trip to look forward to when you get home. :D

Looking forward to you trip report.
I am looking forward to your dive report, we maybe going next year in the spring.

Mike M

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