@rddvet How are you? Thank God.....you brought that too my attention. I've been known to do stupid things. Guys like you are extremely helpful on S.B. I love the D.I.R. attitude....there really isn't any other way to be.

Actually, I woke up on a fine sunny morning in Florida. A friend of mine, (that works at a Hydro shop.) and, I decided to get together and O2 clean all 3 valves, bottles, First stages, Second stages, and SPG's. (Even the hoses.....which is probably completely unnecessary.) Everything was brand new. (The bottles were empty.) We broke everything down, and began the process. I am so meticulous....that it's border line insane.
I went back to Georgia, to get my stage kits, and labels for the tanks, and after affixing the U.N. labels, and stage rigging....I decided to set them on my truck for photo purposes ( No less than 6 angles.) and also for my records. (The bottles were empty.) The rigging was attached mainly for ease of carry into the facility to be filled.
I have been working with hazardous materials off, and on for 25 years. Everything from Propane, Sulfuric acid, Propylene, to Carbon dioxide. (Many much more volatile than Oxygen.) Propylene has a double bond which gives it a combustion advantage.(Did I mention......the bottles were empty.)
I'm probably in the 10% or less that even put U.N. labels on S.C.U.B.A. tanks. I personally like to communicate the risk. I sincerely appreciate your input.
Please P.M. me (1) article per month pertaining to the misuse of oxygen bottles. I'm constantly adding notes, and pertinent information in my Disaster management file.
Here's a photo off the bottles laying down.....so, you can sleep well at night knowing I'm conscientious, and doing the right thing.
View media item 209700(The bottles were empty.)