Best Place for a Honeymoon

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Hello everyone

I am new to this board so I don't know what the response rate is like. I have a question that I hope will have a few people replying......


Ok I know that it is impossible to answer that in some ways so I'll give a few conditions which should narrow it down a bit.

It's to go on a 2 week honeymoon
In June
Both of us dive and have dived mostly in the same places
which are
Oz - touristy day boat stuff + Lady Elliot Island (Dec)
Solomons - Honiara (Jan)
Red Sea (Sharm + Dahab) (May + Nov)
Caribbean (St Lucia + Jamaca) (Feb)
Mexico (Xcalac (but not Chinchorro) and cenotes in Tulum + Cozumel ) (Nov)

Of these I would say that the Solomons was great - it really turned us on to wreck diving. We had a relaxing week and made good friends with the staff. Downside was taking the malaria tablets.

Lady E Island was good because it was easy shore diving with a nice lagoon to snorkel in between times. Overall v friendly and great if you enjoy sitting on a beach a few steps from your room with a candle and a cocktail at midnight. Also saw turtles laying eggs on the beach.

Cozumel was good diving - all reefs obviously. The place above water was a bit quiet and a bit boring. Xcalac was more of an adventure - local diving was good although a bit repetitive. Chinchorro was too expensive / not enough people there to fill a boat. The cenotes near Tulum were awesome. Staying in Tulum was good although the town is quiet.

Red Sea was ok to poor with the exception of Dahab (only 2 of the dives though) + The Thistlegorm which was a great day trip.

Caribbean - ok reefs. Liked the places though - vibrant atmosphere, good food etc.

I would also say that we don't want to go somewhere where the temp is too hot/humid. We prefer going to places a bit out of season.
We would also steer clear of all-inclusives, prefering something a bit more local - nothing too posh. We also like to drink and smoke and eat good seafood.
We have thought about places such as Sychelles, Maldives and Maritius but feel there must be other places that are not so well known. Anybody know much about Zanzibar for example?
Cuba was another place recommended to us but more to see that place above water - what is the diving there really like?

Only other thing is that given the choice from October I would go to Munda in the Solomons without question - you also need to time though as you have to go via Brisbane. So the other Pacific places are out as well (although any recommendations gratefully received!).

Ok then I hope that we get a few replies and it goes without saying that if anyone wants any info on the places I've mentioned above I'd be happy to tell you what I know.

You might try the Great Barrier Reef. I'm sure there are some kangaroo ropers (no offense to the Aussies...I just wanted to use "kangaroo roper" in a sentence) on the board who could give you an opinion on other Australian diving sites and non-diving activities.

I've always wanted to try Palau and Truk, too. I'm hearing that Palau is getting "Caymanized," though. There are a couple well-known liveaboards in Micronesia too, if you're into that.

If I were going to spend two weeks, I'd probably do some island hopping. I'm certain there are all sorts of cruises in the Caribbean that will drop you off on various islands for day trips, but maybe that isn't appealing to you.

I went to the U.S. Virgin Islands on my honeymoon. But then again, my wife isn't a diver, her passport was stolen in Hong Kong and we didn't have time to get a replacement, so we were somewhat limited in our travel options (and I was limited on my diving choices). They have great mangoes, though. My wife still complains about how small the mangoes are in the grocer's compared to the island fruit. My sister-in-law did Jamaica, but she wasn't too thrilled with it.

Of course, there's always the Caymans, Bonaire, and the other diving destinations you see. I've been told that Honduras has great diving, but I've never verified that for myself.
Welcome to the boards and good luck on your quest! I have dove all over the Caribbean and can't think on any one place that fits all of your criteria. The place that comes closest is probably Cozumel.

If you are up for something a little less ordinary, why not come to the Pacific Northwest of British Columbia.

Sure, it's cold water diving but it has just been rated the number one dive destination in the world by the readers of Scuba Diving.

June in BC is typically very good in terms of weather and the overall environment of big trees, mountains etc is unbeatable.

Sure it's not sunning in the tropics but you'd have a great time.:mean:
I would vote for French Polynesia...! Great diving and truely one of the most beautiful places in the world-Tahitian people are very friendly and not a bad place to honeymoon! I would opt for Bora Bora and Rangiroa,if you like sharks Tahiti is the place! Bring your wallet and credit cards, it does tend to be pricey..but worth it!:eek:ut:
...Uncle Pug might cut you a sweet deal on a honeymoon cruise/dive package in the Puget Sound.
You might want to give Bonaire a shot. Not too crowded (after all, this is a honeymoon), good food of various types, and excellent diving.
Consider going to Lizard Island in Australia. I was there two years ago and had an awesome time. Diving is excellent, you can take a boat trip from the Island to the Cod Hole and/or boat dive right off the island. They only allow around 60 - 80 guests at a time on the island, and the staff caters to your every need. ( Ok almost every need ) I hope to go back again in a couple years.

Thats where I went for my honeymoon this past September, and it was a great choice.

Benefits to Bonaire:

1) Ranked near or at the top in so many dive related categories such as heath of reefs, macro life, shore diving etc.

2) Easist shore diving in the world. I LOVED being able to dive alone with my wife, going where we wanted, when we wanted, for how long we wanted etc.

3) Nice quiet place - there's not much of a night life and we liked that. Only tourists pretty much are divers or wind surfers.

I thought Bonaire was WAY overrated...but I agree with numbers 2 and 3.

Of these I would say that the Solomons was great - it really turned us on to wreck diving.
Bonaire has ONE wreck in recreational limits.

local diving was good although a bit repetitive
Cozumel was good diving - all reefs obviously.
So is Bonaire..

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