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On my last boat trip, I brought a remote control fart machine and planted it in a fellow diver's clothing bag that was stowed on a shelf in his bunk. The false flatulance caused a few laughs, as did the diver's denial that he was the source.
I spend so much time around divers for excallty this reason... the antiks and social scene.

There's one diver up here that is... ahh.. a unique indivual! One night he's getting out of his drysuit, unzippers pulls down the top half and lets it drop about his weist. At that excalt moment a small feild mouse runs from behind him to the pile of wood. He saw the mouse, we saw the mouse and the whole thing looked really really wrong!! Not being one to waste the comedy value of this his immedite response, "Yea, well I usually like gerbials, but feild mice give me something to hold on to." That night I had the most shocking experince of my life.... that night I found out this guy's married!!!
Keep in mind this is a Caribbean dive so all I'm wearing is a T-shirt and a pair of swimming trunks to dive in.

I had bought a chocolate candy bar at the store before the dive. You know where this is going? When we did our second/shallow dive (I had put the unwrapped candy bar in a zip lock sandwich bag ahead of time) I had the candy bar in my BC pocket. Once down I made sure to be just behind my group of friends so I could reach and get it out of the bag before anyone noticed. I did this then put it down the front of my shorts and then got their attention (I have one of those emergency alert air horn things on my BC hose and told them ahead of time to listen for it and it would signal that I seen something good). When they turned around all they saw was this brown stuff coming out of everywhere around my shorts and me shaking the bottom of my shorts as if to try and get it all out. Of course the fish from the reef had gathered to clean up the mess by now so it really added to the effect. I was laughing so hard in my BC I almost actually went to the bathroom. My dive buddies were doing the same except for my friends wife who had instead been suffering from a little sea sickness to begin with and this sent her over the edge and she proceeded to get sick through her regulator and the fish were having a field day to. Man do I wish we had a video camera on that dive it was a classic moment that is just hard to put in to words how great it worked.
I once convinced a guy that if he took a light bulb under water with him at night it would light up from the bioluminesense (sp?). He did and of course it didn't light up but it was funny watching him wave it around. About a week later my buddy rented the same BC and as he was gearing up he reached in the pocket and pulled out a light bulb. The look on his face was great.

we had some really shallow dives in indo so for fun we used to shove weight in our booties, go to about 6-8 meters and have moonwalk races.
one time this customer forgot their weightbelt so my girlfriend gave him hers. not keen to miss the dive she proceeded to dive in her cozzie and a spare weight in her bc pocket. it was hilarious to see her trying to keep the guys from diving behind her. she's a great exponent of the frogkick!
on my first couple of dive in sodwana bay, we saw a bull shark in the distance which swam away. then we swam past a nesting titan triggerfish which took a severe dislike to my yellow fins and proceeded to chase me across the reef. being my 3rd dive i thought MY GOD i'm doing something wrong and i am gonna die, but my instructor and gf thought it was really funny.
oh and a cuttlefish got very amorous with my elbow last weekend which amused my buddy.
narcosis is always funny too...
I'm sure that will be funny and sexy as hell as soon as you tell me what a "cozzie" is. :)

I was diving with a bunch of people from the shop I worked at. We were down in the sand, playing with a bunch of sea lions when all of a sudden someone pulled both my fins off! I whipped around to see the dive shop owner swimming away with them. She had managed to sneak up on me, unbuckle them and yank them off. So there I was, trying to swim after her (useless) and laughing so hard I couldn't keep my mask from flooding! Got her back later with the same gag.

On a divetrip to Palau we were doing safety stops in the deep blue away from the reef. To pass the time we started doing underwater ballet and walzes! I bet the sharks found it rather peculliar!
hi neil,
cozzie = swimming costume / bikini or whatever.
how many times bigger do things look underwater? 25%!!
O.K. folks, I don't usually do anything but watch out for my own butt (and my buddy) on a dive, but here is one I heard about that seems harmless.
Canned Cheeze Whiz will not only perform like spray string (Kid's toy), but is enjoyed by most reef fish as it disintegrates.
Use your imagination! a small can smuggled down in a pocket can provide an unusual distraction to an ordinary dive if sprayed at an unsuspecting member of the group, in your own hair, etc. And as I said, the smaller fish in the reef will come out to enjoy every bit of this delicacy.
Dive safe, Airhead.
merge you into

OK Charlie99 you win :) Never considered the option that it may have been a reply to this post....

Whichever I have, as you can see, merged them


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