I've seen a lot of debate about which fins work the best. It really boils down to personal preference, I think.
Trying out different types is ideally the best way for a person to determine what works best for them. Be sure to ask about the "proper" finning method for the type fins you are trying though. A small adjustment can make a HUGE difference in the results you get from the fins.
Personally, I have 2 sets of fins. For the most part, it depends on where I am going to be diving as to which set I choose.
1. Force Fins (Adjustable): My favorites!!!! Never EVER had a leg cramp with these, and great performance at the same time. Wouldn't even think about use anything else when doing a shore dive.........very easy to walk in. (There are a couple of videos on their website showing how they work.) I highly recommend checking them out!!!
2. Tusa X-pert Zoom Split Fins: A little awkward getting back in the boat until you get used to them, but also great performance. I've not had any problem using them in a strong current as I've seen mentioned about other split fins.
After reading all the different posts, I can understand how you could get more confused. It is definitely worth it to check out different options before making the final decision though.
Good luck in your search.
Dive Safe.........and have fun!!!