Every time I am on an airplane and watch that giant plane take off I think about "lift". That is what bio-fins do. The bio-fin provides lift using The Bernoulli principle. A leading edge and a trailing edge.
Could you explain this? To be honest, I don's see how Bernoulli's equation would apply (I'm not saying it doesn't, just that I'm not seeing it). I would think that even if it did it would only apply in one direction. For example, when one leg is moving in one direction, you theoretically attain lift on that side, but the other leg is moving in a different direction so it would have the opposite affect, causing an equivelant amount of "drag".
Also, how would that work with various kicks? For example I frog kick mostly --while my dive buddy scissor kicks mostly. So, our fins are in very different positions.
And if Bernoilli's Principal does apply to bio-fins --is that different from other fins?
Again, I'm not suggesting your statement isn't true, only that I don't completely understand it and this is interesting to me.