Glad you are still her Tim! My 2cts.Do not exercise while diving on a trip opens you up some for DCS. I drink way to much booze on a dive trip and leave myself open on that end. I do hit the water big time in the morning. I prefer to stay at 80ft or less and prefer 40 to 60 ft for photos. I am old. And dive the most O2 level of nitrox you can get for the depth that is planed. And I know in Coz the DM controls the safety stop time, I like longer and believe in a deep stop as well. I am out of shape and old and drink like a fish and smoke a pack aday and I see folks get bent diving in my group with me. And they are young in shape with flat bellies doe's not make sense. Makes no sense. I have spent my time in chambers working in the gulf but I was getting paid. Doing a chamber ride in Coz would make me mad. YES on dive insurance would not leave home without it all divers should have it if you do not you are insane or super rich! Folks Nitrox is going to replace air for diving at some point in the future,think about it. But as Tim said and others drink water as much as your body can handle your wetsuit can become a hot water suit without the surface supplied pump and heater. Dive safe and these computers are not GOD.