Bent in Cozumel

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Tim Ingersoll:
I can't resist. Seven days and I hit the water in Turks and Caicos for the first time since I took the hit. A little apprehensive. To complicate matters I have a strained rotator in the shoulder that took the brunt of the DCI hit. That should be fun to sort out post-dive! Wish me luck. The thought of taking another hit and maybe having to give up this sport gives me the willies.
And this answers my question of how long would it be before you started jumping up and down in anticipation of your November trip.
The one question that I haven't answered (forgot to) is about this 'fix' of diving EANxon Air tables, I have an Oxygen concern on the long dives, gotta check my EANx course book for that one, then do some arithmetic.

One other tip I will give you. If you don't feel hydrated and if you aren't well rested or just not feeling 100%...don't dive.

Amen to that. Last time I was there, I saw a couple of guys going out to dive Maracaibo who shouldn't have been out of bed, much less on a dive boat. Tequila until 5 AM, no sleep, profoundly hung over, the whole 9 yards. Not that I would ever wish DCS on anyone, but if anyone ever "deserved" a hit, it was these two macho idiots.
Tim Ingersoll:
The average is between one and three diver deaths per month. That info was from DM who has been in Coz for over 20 years. Half of the deaths are heart attacks. Coz isn't so much a huge place for the bends as it is a huge place for divers. More divers equals more cases of the bends. You will be fine. God forbid you take a hit you can rest assured that the chamber is available and well staffed. The bends are generally treatable.

That number is hugely exaggerated actually. The average is more like 3 to 5 diver deaths per year, which if you think about it is a very low number considering how many divers we have in the water here.

Decompression sickness is also 99% contributed to diver error or simply a non-deserved hit. I hope this thread pointed out to all of you how important the topside activites play into your diving safety as well. Hydration, lots of rest, no heavy exercise, no hot showers after diving, no heavy drinking, try to cut back on the smoking, etc.

Of course the dive op is always the one people look to for the blame. In reality, 99% of the diver deaths are either pure diver error or some sort of medical condition such as heart attack or stroke.

DSAO everyone!
And this answers my question of how long would it be before you started jumping up and down in anticipation of your November trip.
The one question that I haven't answered (forgot to) is about this 'fix' of diving EANxon Air tables, I have an Oxygen concern on the long dives, gotta check my EANx course book for that one, then do some arithmetic.


Unless you are diving 4 or 5 dives a day, you won't even come close to the O2 exposure limits of 100% allowable.

Take this profile that my divemaster did yesterday using nitrox:
Dive 1:
80 ft (multi-level)
55 minutes
O2 exposure: 25%

Dive 2: 60 feet (multi-level)
65 minutes
O2 exposure: 30%

Dive 3:
40 feet
70 minutes
O2 exposure: 15%

Total O2 exposure - 70% per the tables

These percentages are very conservative due to rounding up for depth and O2 pp ata's.

Actual O2 exposure was actually probably closer to 50% or 55%

Hope this helps. :)
Tim Ingersoll:
Believe me I am taking nothing for granted. I intend to dive Nitrox on air tables and no more deep drops or stays. No strenuous swimming while diving. No drinking, no smoking, no working out the day before. Hydration, hydration, hydration. Am I missing anything? If I take another hit I want to know its because I wasn't cut out for this sport for whatever reason and not because I did or didn't do something.
Well, what you hydrate with matters. I saw 3 Texas instructors sick from dehydration/heat exhaustion (not bends, thank goodness) the first day we were in Belize, from drinking bottled water - "empty" reverse osmosis water. Our ancestors did not adapt to pure water; they drank ground water with minerals. Drink a sport drink with sodium and potassium, and get better hydrated. They all felt much better as soon as they did, and this also helps better at prevented DCS.

Diving Nx with Air tables will give you a lot more N2 safety, and you're not likely to load up on O2, but - why not dive Nx with the correct computer settings, and then make sure you stay in low range for N2 loading? If you still have the Versa Pro, just make sure you never enter the Yellow Caution zone. You can also set the Versa Pro for more conservative settings like the more conservative models. And turn the Default off.

My very best wishes to you. I know you'll still feel a little uneasy at first, but I think we all have a lot of faith in your approach. And I commend you heartily for reapproaching this; so many would say "never more." :thumb:
Thanks for the words of encouragement Don.
The advice I got from the chamber doctor was as follows: 1) No diving at all for six months; 2) No more diving over 100 feet; 3) No diving unless on Nitrox; 4) Dive Nitrox on air tables for a while; 5) Hydration is the key to all future dives; 6) If you take another hit you have to quit.
As to quitting - no way! I love this sport too much to give up after one chamber ride. I leave for the Turks & Caicos Wednesday for a four day trip and Nitrox course. I'm cautiously optimistic that all will go well.
As to sports drinks vs. water I will keep it in mind. Can't hurt for sure. I do know that the drinks I offered in the chamber were all Gatorade so maybe there's something to that.
Tim Ingersoll:
As to quitting - no way! I love this sport too much to give up after one chamber ride. I leave for the Turks & Caicos Wednesday for a four day trip and Nitrox course. I'm cautiously optimistic that all will go well.
Yeah, I've not been there, but others have - and resumed diving with caution. I think it'd make a diver much more careful.

As to sports drinks vs. water I will keep it in mind. Can't hurt for sure. I do know that the drinks I offered in the chamber were all Gatorade so maybe there's something to that.
In case you can't find sport drink on some travels, I take sugar, Koolaid, and Motron Lite Salt - which is about half regular salt and half postassium chloride. I'll add 1/2 teaspoon of the Lite Salt to 2 quarts of Koolaid and drink 2 quarts per day in addition to other non-diurestics like DeCaf & Hot Chocolate. Seems to work well - as compared to those who drink Rev Oss and suffer initial dehydration problems.

Fidning Nitrox could be a challenge at times. I think that Ambergris Caye is the only place in Belize that has it; Blackbeard's does not; most Calf boats do not. May also want to carry your own analyzer, as many operators will obtain filled tanks from a central provider, like on Cozumel, but not have one.

Good luck, and send us reports from the trip. We'll be thinking of you.
Decompression theory and computer algorithms are clearly described in "Beating the Bends" by Alex Brylske. Best dive book I have read so far. Computers described in book are earlier models, yet clearly identifies the different algorithms used in every computer, thus allowing you to understand why some computers are "more" or "less" conservative. Great reading for any diver regardless of skill level.
IMHO the technique of diving air limits (either tables or computer) with the Nx mix appropriate for the max depth and using Nx tables for O2 exposure works great.

Gives you a conservative N2 limit and a conservative O2 limit. The bests of both worlds.

Rich Hagelin

PS also allows me to keep diving with my old air computer and save some more money for another dive trip.

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