Sorry this is so long! Most has gotten off subject of the accident.
First let me apologize, I probably shouldn't have posted my list of other issues with Nekton in this forum/post. With the Holidays I have yet to post a full trip report, those probably should have gone in there. I also want to say that we had a good time on the boat aside from this tragedy. I would not entirely rule out going on another Nekton trip in the future. Several issues that I mentioned above were discussed by guests throughout the week (some of which had a lot more to say about things than we did) prior to Cory's disappearance. We never once complained about anything during our trip to the crew and we honestly filled out the report card. I know other guests on our trip had entirely different feelings (some far worse and some better) but many of us talked about them and felt Safety as a whole could be better. It's not like this incident just brought all this out, they would have been mentioned regardless. I thought that was the point of scubaboard, to share your honest experiences for the benefit of others.
For Gale, WOW. You have a lot of criticizing remarks to say about me for someone who was not on that trip and has no idea how this has impacted everyone on that boat. I'm still thinking about him everyday and I can't imagine how the crew is feeling and most importantly his family. I have NEVER criticized the crews response efforts or their feelings regarding Cory and I thought they did about the best they could, held it together remarkably but I know they were feeling it. I am fully aware that they read this site, maybe even more so because we were talking with crew members, Lieutenant and Captain on several occasions about other comments that have been made about Nekton prior to this our trip. On our last night on the boat (in port) we even sat with them and read some things directly off this site. Most of them had laptops out and we know some of them were checking out people's previous and upcoming trip comments. Some people said some things that would have hurt or irritated them on much more trivial issues but it's everyone's right on here to post their experiences through their eyes.
Here are the facts: For whatever reason, that week, they did not do a safety drill. Myself and others wondered if/when it was going to be done towards the beginning of the week but it never happened.
I won't argue about diving alone but will say this. If he had been diving with someone (another crew member or guest) we would hopefully at least know what happened to him. Possibly he wouldn't have tried to go however deep he went, who knows. Most importantly we know nothing which is the worst.
I never said that the crew didn't do everything they could to find him. I thought I was pretty clear about all their efforts. While I don't necessarily agree with how everyone else felt on board about their search efforts, it's their opinion to express them. Some people felt strongly that they didn't do everything they could have done, others made no comments one way or the other. It's easy in these kinds of situations for people to place blame on coulda/woulda/shoulda. Since we were one of the few guests that were awake during the search efforts, I honestly believe he probably wouldn't have been recovered no matter what (if coast guard showed up, if they let everyone in the water, etc...) We hoped and prayed he would but knowing what we did and seeing how still the water was, how well they searched that's how I personally felt.
My point about the sign in/out board (and no I don't think it would have prevented his disappearance) is that it's not used as effectively as it could be. You do NOT walk past it. You would have to walk past the stairs to the dive deck and towards the showers, it was nearby but many people forgot to fill it out entirely or partially every day. After this incident the crew had a meeting and we know lots of issues were discussed, one crew member told us afterwards that it was mentioned that they would start checking people's computers if necessary for depth, etc... We have all seen the "reckless" newbie diver that has to push all the limits. When you have an open dive deck for half the day, I think it would be easy for someone less experienced to not pay attention to their surface intervals or their depth. I just think the whole point of that board would be more efficient if they had it on the dive deck and you were signed in/out when you actually get in. Obviously Cory's equipment wasn't back so they could tell he was gone but they have a lot of people to keep track of, it's meant to help them with that.
Regarding crew members and relationships. The girlfriend: I don't ever recall having met or had an introduction as to who she was/her relationship on our first night on board when they have the briefing. For us, we had no idea if she was a crew member officially or if they had just met or had a relationship. There was obvious romantic contact (again nothing inappropriate in everyday norms). I think both of the people involved are great people, he is a great crew member and she is very nice. She did get special treatment being allowed in the pilot house whenever she wanted. Did it bother me, no but I think it sends the wrong message to guests.
Another crew member started a relationship with a guest and again, It's their real world so I understand. We watched several movies with them in the galley where they were in more close contact holding each other than my husband and myself. Nothing inappropriate but it could have been more discreet. If most of us had that type of contact with a co-worker or guest/client in front of the office it would raise eyebrows to the professionalism. Another example of what was perceived by some as special treatment: When none of the guests were allowed (understandably) to aid with the search and rescue efforts, this guest was asked by a crew member twice to go out on one of the search boats. Did it really piss me off, No but several of us had offered to assist and weren't allowed.
Another guy and girl that were also crew members met on board and had been dating for about a year. They were NEVER seen intimately together in any way. In fact this same person pointed out that he thought the crew/guest relationship should have been more discreet midway through. I have no problem with people dating but there's a time and a place.
As for the pranks, it wasn't just one or two things that happened. It continued to escalate like I've never seen before and honestly someone could have gotten hurt physically. Initially I thought it was kind of funny but it just went on all day and ended up with people pissed off in front of guests.
Lastly, "Ginger" was his official nickname but everyone pretty much called him Ginge. You wouldn't have known that since you never met him but it wasn't a spelling mistake. Arminda, the cook, was standing next to me when I asked her how long he had worked for Nekton. Perhaps she misunderstood and thought I was asking how long she had been on board. Regardless he was an asset to their team.
You mentioned in "Hindsight" many things probably could have been done differently. For someone who has a lot of criticism to cast for me, tell us what you think could have been done differently since you weren't there and have no idea how things were handled. Keep in mind, you were on a boat just after a tragedy took place. You don't think that they were on their "best" behavior in lieu of what took place? I know one crew member quit after that meeting. I'm just being honest about what took place on our trip and I have several that can back that up. Pardon my harshness but you obviously have no idea how upsetting this has been for all of us.