Beach Dive in Ft Lauderdale this week??????

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Vis or no vis, I'm looking to get wet this weekend (Saturday), if the seas are 1 - 2; anyone wants to join?????
Vis or no vis, I'm looking to get wet this weekend (Saturday),if the seas are 1 - 2; anyone wants to join?????


I'm always in for a Saturday shore dive. If weather works out, may be I'll finally meet you (and hopefully some other members!) Later!

Nathan a time and place...I will even pass on a sunrise dive LOL
algal bloom:

I'm always in for a Saturday shore dive. If weather works out, may be I'll finally meet you (and hopefully some other members!) Later!


Saturday's good for me too- NOT too early Jen.... :wink: Of course- I'll suggest we meet at my house (easy for me!!!). For those that don't know- same building as Mike.
I'm in! Any suggestion for a contingency plan if conditions suck? (Just how far a drive is it to Crystal River, anyway?)
Chris and I are in too! Let's pick a place and time. Are we meeting at Commercial? If so, we need to get there between 9-9:30am. Maybe I'll even rent a tank so I can make more than one dive LOL!!!
By Thursday we should see some relief from all this wind and he thinks it may just be a good weekend. I'm so depressed that I don't want to get my hopes up, however. I'm sticking close to home so that I can take the diveyak out IF it looks right - Hibiscus/Datura/Commercial Blvd. Pier (Anglers).
Weather man Greg sez winds die Thursday

Remind him he's said that the last three weeks now.

:yl2jump: Let's castrate him if he screws up this time....
Gee, I think I will pass on the castration pre-dive but I can be there for the dive. Let me know when and where to show and I will be there. I will say a prayer to the weather God for good seas..... :wink:

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