Beach Dive in Ft Lauderdale this week??????

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Start praying guys.... :angel:

The seas looked VERY managable this morning. Who's interested in about 9 AM on Sat morning?
if marvel says that, be sure that hurricane winds will blow and the waves will
rise to the size of large elephants

I'm definitely in for a 9am Saturday dive!
Sounds good to me!
Me too! I was kinda hoping to do another shore location, because I wanted to take some pictures with the camera and the last time I was at Commercial, there wasn't too much to see. However, I can't pass up an opportunity to dive with my BUDDIES!!! Not to mention it's an easy entry. See y'all Saturday!!! :)

I assume your camera is fixed. Was it covered under warranty? I still haven't seen your set up. I've had buddies with big Ikelite setups but just can't afford that. Can't wait to see yours!

Yeah, I LOVE Nikon!!! Apparently it was something I did, but they repaired it and had it back to me in about a week, and it was covered under the warranty. YEA!!! I can't wait!
I'm in!!!
Today they took a large mole off my nose (my "2nd nose" lol)and actually put stiches in... the doc said I can go in the water but the mask might rub it (not a good scar-free technique). So, we'll see. If it's as nice as they're predicting I may just kayak out with you all.
Glad to hear that you survived the nose-lift! BTW, we missed you at OceanFest. Glad to see that you made it back safely.


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