BC's with "Elevator" Lever

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I have just tested. You can easily operate both directions (inflate and deflate) with your left fist.

In my case, I can reach it easily with the right hand, but with the fingers. There's no way I could reach it with my right fist (i just need the extra 10 centimeters of fingers to reach it). But this depends on your arm's length.

that's pretty cool. When I first saw that BC I about choked. I thought it was the most useless accessory I'd seen thus far. even with my limited experience in diving. I've always maintained that we need smarter mechanics more than Smarter tools.
However after reading this thread, I realized that my biggest problem was with the advertising more than the lever. I think this would be an excellent option for those with restricted digital dexterity!
Bob Dole can dive!
Who actually does the reviews for "Scuba Diver" magazine? I also just read the review in the most recent issue and it recieved top marks hands down. The marketing for the BC (if they are calling it an elevator) are not helpful but I do like the idea of a BC that will dump all the air out with the use of 1 lever vs getting rid of all trapped air with different dump valves. I have also asked about the BC at several LDS's and they were skeptical at first but they say that the divers who have used them really like them in fact one LDS does not sell any jacket style BC's and only stock the wing style back inflates but now they are stocking the i3 as the only jacket they sell.

old gaffer
I've yet to hear from one diver that owns an i3 and was dissatisfied. Bouyancy is simple yet on demand when you add/dump air from the lever. It's a really nice jacket inflate BC that's really great for recreational diving.
Sounds cool.... but does it "ding" every 10 feet or so like a real elevator going up floors?
I am sure that it does not ding but when you dump air it is hot air just like that discharged by the egos on this board.:rofl3:

old gaffer
Well, I never have seen such a group of Neo-Luddites!

For being a group that relies so heavily on technology to conduct their sport activities, it is amazing how much ANY change is met with scorn and distaste.

Yes, any new implementation brings with it new concerns and issues to address. Time will tell if this lever will be more of a hinderance (and disappear) or a help (and proliferate). I can't tell how many times someone has told me that using a multi-gas dive computer will be my end, how any variations from a one-solution-for-all will cause certain mass death.

Change happens, and this may be a good one. Or not.

As one who teaches, my concern is that it will be even easier for new divers to get into the "BCD Elevator" mindset. That's not a new problem, by the way. Just a new way it will be presented to the diver.

Bad technique is bad technique. Good diving will be assisted by many implementations of new concepts. Even if this doesn't pan out it may lead to a solution that does. Is it something that I see myself using? No, but that doesn't make it inappropriate for everyone.

A circular saw can remove a hand without slowing down - but I doubt that there's a contractor's web forum debating whether or not it is something that is unwise to use.

If you don't adapt with change, just ask a dinosaur what will happen. No, wait... you can't!
I am sure that it does not ding but when you dump air it is hot air just like that discharged by the egos on this board.:rofl3:

old gaffer

:confused: What me? Ego? I'm sorry I couldn't resist :D
It's all in fun really....if it works for you that's cool I got no problem with it.
I have a brand new QD i3 waiting for my January trip to Grand Cayman (Ocean Frontiers...woo hoo!).

I tend to agree that Aqualung has taken a stupid approach to marketing the BC -- we all let air out on ascent, and the image that they have instilled will make instructors have to work harder to get the right ideas into new divers' heads.

But this does not take away from the fact that everyone who dives thiss BC seems to adore it, and Scuba Diving magazine gave it top marks in their recent review of new BCs.

I bought it in part because it takes away a bulky inflator hose and because i never can seem to find the air dump cord when i am trying to vent air. One of the things the i3 seems to be especially good at is venting air quickly and easily.

I promise a full report...

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