BC Setup for an Undecided guy

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I did some research before I picked this wing and I did not come across the recall. can you please share the official link ? I can't seem to find any article on this topic for Mach 5 wings but I admit I only looked at the first 2 pages of google results. Also, checked Oxycheq web site and did not come across the recall. do share please.

The recalls I was referring to are with respect to Halycon wings, not Oxycheq wings.

I'll post my own thoughts on it but until then, I just want to tell you that I have been riding Harleys for the past 14 years. Never had a problem with either the Sportster or the Dyna WideGlide model I currently ride. However, do you know how many recalls have been issued on these two bikes in the past 14 years?
Oh.... well... if you ride Harleys then your tolerance for stuff breaking and falling off as you go is already pretty high so it won't really matter what wing you buy.... LOL

Just kidding. I used to ride a Honda, which the Harley guys laughed about because it was some kind of "girly" bike but I rode it 100k kilometres in a few years and never did anything on it apart from routine maintenance. My neighbour had a Harley, which admittedly was a very hot looking bike but he had to fix it every weekend .... LOL

Back to diving gear. People have higher expectations of diving gear than the "average" sporting goods product. Recalls of diving gear are actually fairly common and nothing to be overly concerned about on the whole. It represents the manufacturer's commitment to safety, which is partly driven by legal issues but partly just a part of the dive culture. I was just giving that guy some push back about declaring Halcyon the "best of the best" because it's objectively just not true. The Halcyon is the one BCD I know of where people were having significant and potentially life-threatening issues with free flowing inflators before the manufacturer stepped up to the plate and replaced them. Usually manufacturer's are a LOT quicker to react if something is wrong. Some years ago, for example, Sherwood recalled it's Maximus regulator for a refit after ONE reported failure, IIRC. This is the kind of service divers have grown to expect and appreciate from equipment manufacturers. It's the reason that recalls are common but also the reason that nobody loses sleep over it on the whole.

Sorry, i thought you were refering to the mach. My scuba shop tried to push Halcyon but i didnt buy. to me everything over priced is just that: over priced. No direct relation to quality, just better marketing. so halcyon to me is like the BMW bikes to use the same analogy. My friend has one, paid 23k for it, has so many bells and whistles and such a sofisticated computer is almost funny. The hi tek on it broke down several times and he parks it in the shade so the collor wont fade... Regardless, not sure what your neighbor problems were but in 14 years of riding I trully had just one on the road issue with a broken trottle cable. being such a simple bike though i improvided and kept going. I like Hondas too, but they ain't Harleys. Sorry
Regardless, not sure what your neighbor problems were but in 14 years of riding I trully had just one on the road issue with a broken trottle cable. being such a simple bike though i improvided and kept going. I like Hondas too, but they ain't Harleys. Sorry

LOL. It's ok. In all honesty I think my neighbour may have spent a lot of time tinkering with his bike because it was more fun to him than spending time with his wife.... :wink:

I don't even want to go there. Italian motorcycles, please...give me a break. I can't afford to clean up oil leaks all day long :) Besides, they don't make any noise. Where's the fun in riding if after an hour on the thing you're not deaf? And what about the chrome? That's what I'm talking about :)

Dive Rite to me is like Italian bikes - hot, fast, and sexy.
I don't even want to go there. Italian motorcycles, please...give me a break. I can't afford to clean up oil leaks all day long :) Besides, they don't make any noise. Where's the fun in riding if after an hour on the thing you're not deaf? And what about the chrome? That's what I'm talking about :)

Italian V-twins make beautiful music and not just noise pollution.:D Sorry, but Aprilias don't leak oil. Can't say the same about Ducati...:shocked2:
DJ, it sounds like you are heading to the "dark side"...welcome. I dove with a Zeagle for years and after 15 years switched to a SS bp/w with a simple one piece, Hog, harness and crotch strap. I chose the OMS but the Halcyon is excellent well. I use it in cold and warm water diving.

I suggest that you find a LDS that offers a product that fits the bill and try it before you buy it. You may like it. If not, try something else until you find something that you like as you will have it for a while.
So I take it the Zeagle Express tech may not be as good an option as the BP/W setup? Zeagle advertises it as a multi purpuse including 2 tank Tech configuration BCD but it seems the majority is in favor of a BP/W setup. Is it because it dosen't come with an SS or ALu plate? or is it because it's not sturdy enough for 2 tanks? I wish Zeagle made the plate interchangeable for the Express so then people can choose their own type of plate. In spite of this it seems to be very adaptable and reasonably priced so I was wondering what the pros and cons are versus BP/W setup? What do you think?
Dude, The Zeagle express tech is PERFECT for single tank technical diving. I have even modified mine to allow for dual tank sidemount diving and the folks at Zeagle have asked me to try it with back mounted doubles as well. It simply rocks and is perfect for most any tech environment, including full cave.
The Zeagle express tech is PERFECT for single tank technical diving. I have even modified mine to allow for dual tank sidemount diving.
Pete, what kind of mods did you perform to accomodate SM? I can imagine some, but am really curious what others are doing.

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