Bashing Each other, It is not necessary. I seem to have done it then I apologize.

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Being a similar newbie diver, having about the same number of dives, started diving around the same time, but not as many cards/courses done (only AOW and nitrox so far - rescue and cavern this fall) as Bridget i know that some of the aspects to diving are bewildering. I have been reading stuff on here and learning so much in the past 7 months that i understand the lingo and premise of the ideas for a good few things in tech diving as well as rec (however i know i have a long way to go on this quest). Of course carrying out these ideals and having them in my head are two different things, but every dive i strive to assess where i am, where i can improve and seek further training, research or thinking about those aspects of my diving. Again i will state there are plenty of people on this board who i would value the opinion of, there are others i have to take a grain of salt with their opinion and tease out the nuggets of good info from trash talk, others of course i just dont bother giving more than a casual glance through as from past experience i can guess that most of it wont be relevant to what i want to know.

So on to attitudes, all i can say is that sometimes one has to be humble and learn to listen to advice, even if they have to weed that advice out from other comments in the post. Some people write in an inflamtory manner, all i can say to Boogie and Divequeenbelam is fire meet gasoline ;) Some folks can be a little rougher with their words than others, but the message coming through is that possibly there are things you should know before taking a DM course, experiences you should attain. IF i decide to go the pro route i might consider DM after 200+ dives and instructor at 500+ dives - getting on the way to these totals slowly! It sounds like someone has been either giving Bridget some kind of responsibility or that she has taken it upon herself to herd people around at times - however i will say that each diver is responsible for their own dives, a kind word, some advice and showing a good attitude throughout might help that message get across. At the stage of diving experience that Bridget and i (not meant to be a true comparison here) things should still be falling into place, bouyancy and the like, adding onto that looking after others is asking for trouble from most people - some can do it, some just cant. A LOT of the people in a lot of the threads are really trying to be helpful, resist the temptation to go immeadiately on the defense, be bigger than getting into a trash talking/pissing contest, see if you can see the actual message behind all the bravado - usually there is. Thick skin is your greatest defense online ;)
Forgot to add, Dee, i doubt that divequeenbelam and boogie711 would form a buyer/seller relationship - just a hunch, even for well priced bungies and spring straps (both of which can also be made at home with a little effort) - if i didnt have time to do these things Boogie would have got the call for an order!
Being a similar newbie diver, having about the same number of dives, started diving around the same time, but not as many cards/courses done (only AOW and nitrox so far - rescue and cavern this fall) as Bridget i know that some of the aspects to diving are bewildering. I have been reading stuff on here and learning so much in the past 7 months that i understand the lingo and premise of the ideas for a good few things in tech diving as well as rec (however i know i have a long way to go on this quest). Of course carrying out these ideals and having them in my head are two different things, but every dive i strive to assess where i am, where i can improve and seek further training, research or thinking about those aspects of my diving. Again i will state there are plenty of people on this board who i would value the opinion of, there are others i have to take a grain of salt with their opinion and tease out the nuggets of good info from trash talk, others of course i just dont bother giving more than a casual glance through as from past experience i can guess that most of it wont be relevant to what i want to know.

So on to attitudes, all i can say is that sometimes one has to be humble and learn to listen to advice, even if they have to weed that advice out from other comments in the post. Some people write in an inflamtory manner, all i can say to Boogie and Divequeenbelam is fire meet gasoline ;) Some folks can be a little rougher with their words than others, but the message coming through is that possibly there are things you should know before taking a DM course, experiences you should attain. IF i decide to go the pro route i might consider DM after 200+ dives and instructor at 500+ dives - getting on the way to these totals slowly! It sounds like someone has been either giving Bridget some kind of responsibility or that she has taken it upon herself to herd people around at times - however i will say that each diver is responsible for their own dives, a kind word, some advice and showing a good attitude throughout might help that message get across. At the stage of diving experience that Bridget and i (not meant to be a true comparison here) things should still be falling into place, bouyancy and the like, adding onto that looking after others is asking for trouble from most people - some can do it, some just cant. A LOT of the people in a lot of the threads are really trying to be helpful, resist the temptation to go immeadiately on the defense, be bigger than getting into a trash talking/pissing contest, see if you can see the actual message behind all the bravado - usually there is. Thick skin is your greatest defense online ;)

THank you so much. I proably have a habit of taking control when I am on any kind of trip because I am mother and i was in the Army. Trust me I am not the only one doing the herding. I am let's say practicing for a few years down the road. I am good at learning and memorizing and teaching. THats proably another reason I am this way. I only have the cards because, for example, Project Aware cards, I studied before becoming a certifed diver. I may not get my DM for years but I constantly study as though it will be next week. After getting DM or instructor, that is something I never plan to change. Always studying, always learning, always practicing until I die of old age.
Good Luck with your diving
This thread is already a cluster, but just wanted to clarify one thing, MikeF (being in a very sarcastic mood) said that he uses a Sherwood on his ARGON bottle.


Thanks for the clarification, I stand corrected. It was not a stage bottle, but an argon bottle.

I was hoping to state one "pro" (as in "for") comment in the regs behalf, but alas, even MikeF has relegated this reg to non-breathable status and will only use it to fill his suit with gas. ;)

I will now rearrange my cotton and we will continue with our regularly scheduled programming. :crafty:

This thread is already a cluster, but just wanted to clarify one thing, MikeF (being in a very sarcastic mood) said that he uses a Sherwood on his ARGON bottle.

Thanks for the clarification, I stand corrected. It was not a stage bottle, but an argon bottle.

I was hoping to state one "pro" (as in "for") comment in the regs behalf, but alas, even MikeF has relegated this reg to non-breathable status and will only use it to fill his suit with gas. ;)

I will now rearrange my cotton and we will continue with our regularly scheduled programming. :crafty:


the question is this, Is there any reason I cannot use this reg for "NORMAL" rec diving above 120 ft.?


I've never read that before. It was masterfully written and something everyone should learn from. I think that anyone who hasn't read "Learning 101" should take the time to read it. I vote for reposting it somewhere on SB and getting comments on it.

I'll disagree ... let's leave rec.scuba where it belongs ... there's a reason why so many of us are here, and not there.

Jammer is a classic example of the DIR know-it-all stereotype ... the basic GI3 wannabe that gives DIR and everything associated with it a bad name. Frankly, people like him are the reason why there is so much emnity between the DIR community and the rest of the diving world.

I don't think there's a thing he could teach me ... because he wouldn't be able to get past the fact that I wouldn't be able to stand being around him. He may have knowledge I could benefit from, but he's not worth what it would take to get it out of him.

You can't teach people anything if they are so turned off by your ego that they stop listening to what you have to say.

All the guy really needs is a good mirror ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I'll disagree ... let's leave rec.scuba where it belongs ... there's a reason why so many of us are here, and not there.

Jammer is a classic example of the DIR know-it-all stereotype ... the basic GI3 wannabe that gives DIR and everything associated with it a bad name. Frankly, people like him are the reason why there is so much emnity between the DIR community and the rest of the diving world.

I don't think there's a thing he could teach me ... because he wouldn't be able to get past the fact that I wouldn't be able to stand being around him. He may have knowledge I could benefit from, but he's not worth what it would take to get it out of him.

You can't teach people anything if they are so turned off by your ego that they stop listening to what you have to say.

All the guy really needs is a good mirror ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Well said...
the question is this, Is there any reason I cannot use this reg for "NORMAL" rec diving above 120 ft.?

Since I'm not familiar enough with this reg, I don't feel qualified to answer the question. Maybe someone else can chime in hear and give an answer.

I just wanted to rectify the fact that I had mis-quoted MikeF.

THank you so much. I proably have a habit of taking control when I am on any kind of trip because I am mother and i was in the Army. Trust me I am not the only one doing the herding. I am let's say practicing for a few years down the road. I am good at learning and memorizing and teaching. THats proably another reason I am this way. I only have the cards because, for example, Project Aware cards, I studied before becoming a certifed diver. I may not get my DM for years but I constantly study as though it will be next week. After getting DM or instructor, that is something I never plan to change. Always studying, always learning, always practicing until I die of old age.
Good Luck with your diving
All i was saying was to take this whole thing in steps, and i wouldnt stick to the minimum required by whatever agency you are training with. As for taking control, live and little, let them do their thing unless they are you buddy - worry about them later when you are in that position of responsibility. For now its best to work on those basics and get them down, second nature so that you can deal with the situations much better when you are a pro. Rushing in now and "leading" or "herding" a group could put you and them in danger if you are trying to take responsibility for them without being a fairly complete diver yourself (think partially sighted leading the blind - as you get more experienced you will see better) - it takes time and effort. You have the desire that is for sure and plenty of confidence, just dont let that drive you to the pro level before you skills, experience and knowledge are ready for it - you and i are still very early into this whole thing! ;)
His post really had nothing to do with DIR. His point was well made, and some folks could learn a lot from reading it.

I'll disagree ... let's leave rec.scuba where it belongs ... there's a reason why so many of us are here, and not there.

Jammer is a classic example of the DIR know-it-all stereotype ... the basic GI3 wannabe that gives DIR and everything associated with it a bad name. Frankly, people like him are the reason why there is so much emnity between the DIR community and the rest of the diving world.

I don't think there's a thing he could teach me ... because he wouldn't be able to get past the fact that I wouldn't be able to stand being around him. He may have knowledge I could benefit from, but he's not worth what it would take to get it out of him.

You can't teach people anything if they are so turned off by your ego that they stop listening to what you have to say.

All the guy really needs is a good mirror ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
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