Being a similar newbie diver, having about the same number of dives, started diving around the same time, but not as many cards/courses done (only AOW and nitrox so far - rescue and cavern this fall) as Bridget i know that some of the aspects to diving are bewildering. I have been reading stuff on here and learning so much in the past 7 months that i understand the lingo and premise of the ideas for a good few things in tech diving as well as rec (however i know i have a long way to go on this quest). Of course carrying out these ideals and having them in my head are two different things, but every dive i strive to assess where i am, where i can improve and seek further training, research or thinking about those aspects of my diving. Again i will state there are plenty of people on this board who i would value the opinion of, there are others i have to take a grain of salt with their opinion and tease out the nuggets of good info from trash talk, others of course i just dont bother giving more than a casual glance through as from past experience i can guess that most of it wont be relevant to what i want to know.
So on to attitudes, all i can say is that sometimes one has to be humble and learn to listen to advice, even if they have to weed that advice out from other comments in the post. Some people write in an inflamtory manner, all i can say to Boogie and Divequeenbelam is fire meet gasoline
Some folks can be a little rougher with their words than others, but the message coming through is that possibly there are things you should know before taking a DM course, experiences you should attain. IF i decide to go the pro route i might consider DM after 200+ dives and instructor at 500+ dives - getting on the way to these totals slowly! It sounds like someone has been either giving Bridget some kind of responsibility or that she has taken it upon herself to herd people around at times - however i will say that each diver is responsible for their own dives, a kind word, some advice and showing a good attitude throughout might help that message get across. At the stage of diving experience that Bridget and i (not meant to be a true comparison here) things should still be falling into place, bouyancy and the like, adding onto that looking after others is asking for trouble from most people - some can do it, some just cant. A LOT of the people in a lot of the threads are really trying to be helpful, resist the temptation to go immeadiately on the defense, be bigger than getting into a trash talking/pissing contest, see if you can see the actual message behind all the bravado - usually there is. Thick skin is your greatest defense online 
So on to attitudes, all i can say is that sometimes one has to be humble and learn to listen to advice, even if they have to weed that advice out from other comments in the post. Some people write in an inflamtory manner, all i can say to Boogie and Divequeenbelam is fire meet gasoline