I have had enough of her too. She boasts about her desire to learn but she won't listen to a word from any of the EXPERIENCED divers.
I have several friends who are instructors, tech divers, etc. I had a discussion with one of my instructor friends not too long ago, and I posed the question: "What makes a good diver vs. a bad diver?"
Her response:
"A bad diver is an overconfident diver or a nervous diver. Overconfidence and nervousness alike will prevent a diver from seeing where they need improvement or from evolving as a diver. Overconfidence is probably the worst."
"A good diver is one who listens to advice, one who constantly works on their skills, and one who stays up to date on equipment, techniques, etc."
Dive Queen whatever is clearly in the overconfident category. She isn't even mature enough to admit that she doesn't know it all. If she gets an answer she doesn't like, she gets nasty and defensive, like a child.
This is probably off color, but she's just young and dumb. 28 going on 40.
She has no business "helping out" other divers or giving them advice. She can't even handle her own buoyancy by her own admission in early posts.
I agree Detroit Diver, she needs to make up her mind. Her posts are full of self-contradictions.