Guy Alcala
Hi all
ive dove the Barge 3 times, in a single HP100. Love it. great viz all three times. short dives though.
I had a quick question about the swim legs along the line- its about 600ft, correct? How long did it take you guys?
Im doing the calculations for a single tank Al80 / HP100 dive there (using the numbers for the Al80 to give a little padding for the HP100) and get to a run time of 22-24 minutes for our average SAC rates, depth of 66feet and rock bottom.
if the swim outs are 10 mins or so, doesnt give us a whole lot of tourist time... I want to show it to KLJ at some point in the nearish future- literally a quick visit to show her it. Not looking to do an extended swim around, but more than 5 mins would be nice.
It's 570 feet or a bit less direct from the base of the wall at the '13', and around 600' if you use the line. It can be done on an Al80 with a decent SAC, but Katie's probably won't be that low until she gets 30 dives or so, and in any case most people will only have gas for one quick circuit of the barge before heading back. I recommend using a 95 or bigger to give you some time out there.
I've done the swim out the line in anything from 5 to 14 minutes depending on who I was with, how I was feeling, conditions, gear etc. Solo I tend to swim fast, usually 6-7 minutes, and using about 500 PSI from a HP100 on the way out or averaging about 70 PSI (2 cu.ft.)/minute at depth. I'm often slightly slower/more relaxed on the way back, and only use 400-450 or so. Taking the trip even slower I may only be averaging 50 PSI/min. The 14 minute trip involved three of us taking our time, one pushing a big video camera with lights.
Average depth on the run out and back will be in the mid to high 50s. Depth at the base of the wall will be 14'-16' shallower than the depth at the barge; depth at the inner sandscrew will be 12'-14' less than at the barge. Depth at the shore side of the barge will vary from 58' to 67' depending on the tide. It has to be a minus tide to go below 60', and depth averages 63'. At the barge you can just idle around, and I've seen my RMV down as low as .32, although I'm usually in the high .30s to mid .40s and I've been up as high as 0.64 (crummy vis, surge, and lots of sea nettles). I tend to figure RMV of 0.9 for transit, 0.6 at the barge, which is usually very conservative. With a 100, I can usually get out there, do a slow circuit or two, come back to the wall and then in along it until I can stand up.
originally posted by Mike Guerrero
I know the scooter people do the grand circuit, but you need to have a scooter to get that expedition, I think Ben Ca is he coordinator of that event.
Mike, it's possible to swim the Grand Circuit/Grand Tour, on a single tank even. But you need good compass/distance estimation nav. skills, and IIRR you'll be swimming around 2,500 ft. submerged.
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