I think it does.
If she was purposefully attempting to elude a DM she did not want and who she felt was imposed upon her, we are in a very different situation. A DM would have to recognize that this extraordinary situation is in effect in order to deal with it effectively. The DM's normal gentle reminders to follow the dive plan will be singularly ineffective. I don't know how often DMs have to deal with divers running away from them, but I imagine she did not have a lot of experience with that. One could argue that she should have recognized that something was wrong when she was pushed away, but at that point she would have to decide what to do. Do I overpower this renegade diver (paying customer) and haul her back to the boat, or do I let her go and deal with it later?
But, John, if she was fighting back because she was under the effects of Nitrogen and wanted to go down, how is that any different from fighting for some other reason? Are you saying that a narced diver wouldn't resist an attempt to be brought up?