I have been debating commenting on this but what the heck.
I would be pretty ticked off if some DM or dive operator told me they wouldn't let me dive because I am an overweight, rather unfit 60 year old. I personally think there are a lot of trim, fit party hardy, high risk taking macho younger divers who are a greater risk to themselves and their fellow divers than I will ever be.
I personally think I have the right to make an informed choice for myself. I am more than competent to decide what dive I should or should not take. I don't expect someone else to take away my right to make my own decisions and suffer or enjoy the consequences of doing so. My family know that I do not think it is appropriate to try to lay blame on others for my choices freely made. That isn't to say that I wouldn't want someone to be held responsible for negligence .. ie contaminated air. Turning a blind eye to negligence is tantamount to sentancing another diver to death.
I once had a buddy tell me that if he was told he had a terminal illness he would take a one way dive

That may happen more than we think! I don't question his right to that decision if he were to make it but I do question his right to do it in a way that traumatizes other people. Could that be the case here