Bahamas: Missing Female Diver

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lol I'd prefer not to use my old backup computer. I guess since I get to dive year round not having my computer for a few weeks is more of an issue to me.

I agree... the best interests of whoever is paying their wages sure can taint the unbiased nature of an investigation!
I'm going to second that bit about not sending some stranger your computer. You would not send it to me, would you?

I would guess you are perfectly capable of downloading it and sending the data. Besides, since you didn't go after Mrs. Woods, what is it that your computer would actually show? At most, when you got out of the water relative to the DM.

You are under no obligation to just send your computer to some essentially unidentified stranger who claims to be an investigator. At least find out who they are investigating on behalf of. ... And if they say something about a deposed Nigerian president or something ...
At least find out who they are investigating on behalf of. ... And if they say something about a deposed Nigerian president or something ...



I am also curious as to who hired these investigators. It could be the family of Mrs. Wood. But it could also easily be the dive op because they want to figure out what happened so that they can try to prevent it happening again AND because in case Mrs. Wood's family does start some sort of proceeding, their defense is prepared. If I were their lawyer, it's what I'd advise them to do.

I would not be worried about getting my computer back, but someone is paying these investigators, someone with an axe of some sort to grind.

If these guys aren't working for the "proper authorities" and there's information in my computer that would be harmful to their case, I might be concerned about getting it back in one piece. Always good to know who you are dealing with.
I believe the investigators are working for the company providing insurance to Stuart Cove and PADI. Per their request, I sent a PDF of the dove profile from my Sol. The may very much want Onehalcyon's computer to verify calibration, as well as comparing it to the other computers on the dive.

In my view, DAN is probably the best authority for an objective analysis of what transpired, and they will probably not have access to all information because of possible litigation.

Investigtors will present their reports to their respective legal counsels, who will then build the strongest case possible for their respective clients.
Oh well, so much for holding out any hope of learning anything from that source.
I've been lurking on the board for quite a while following this thread.

First it disturbs me that the divemaster was HIRED as a personal buddy and the person was allowed to 'get away'. I have trouble understanding that UNLESS either a) the DM was incompetent (seems doubtful) or b) the lady did it on purpose.

Years ago, back when going deep interested me for some stupid reason, a guy I had done more than 300 dives with (we both probably had 1000+ at the time) used to go with a particular dive master in Cozumel that had been a support diver for actual depth record attempts, etc. We all liked to go seriously deep and understood the serious risks that go along with that. I guess you could say we were 'depth junkies'. I am recovered now and just don't do it anymore. I'm not looking for preaching about that (I get it), but just mention that to frame the story. Another very experienced diver was with us - total of 3 divers and a dive master on the boat. We went to Maricabo Wall in CZM (ie. very deep over the edge). We planned a bounce dive down to around 160 - 170 and then a long slow climb back up. My buddy and I promptly went down to about 160 as planned (and no you won't automatically die at that depth), but the other guy descended like a rock right past us. Exceptional visibility of 150 ft+ that day with the usual current that is there (ie. not ripping but it is definitely going). We couldn't even see his bubbles anymore. He was WAY BELOW 300 ft. Earlier I had signaled the divemaster and essentially asked if he was going to go get him. He replied back no the guy was crazy. Earlier on the boat the same guy had been talking somewhat suicidal but I didn't put it together until we were into the dive. The diver ended up shooting up like a rocket. Didn't do any sort of safety stop and arrived back on the boat out of air. We did our 50 minutes (a few minutes at depth and then essentially one long safety stop). That used to seem cool but again, I'm not into that anymore. When we got on the boat, the divemaster, my buddy and I all started into the guy. He said he just wanted to feel narced and when he got down to 200+ it felt so good he just wanted more. I honestly think he was trying to commit suicide and then backed out at the last moment. His computer had 'violated' at 350 ft (max depth it registered). How he didn't kill himself with such a rapid descent from that depth I still don't understand. LUCKY. I talked with the divemaster (who I know very well and I consider to be the consumate pro - he certified my kids several years later) about it and he said the guy just went down too fast for him to do anything about it until it was too late and he thought the guy was going to die (and was committing suicide) and he didn't want to be killed with him. I couldn't judge him harshly for that. He was right. Sorry for the long story, but it seems particularly relevent here. While the DM in the Bahamas was specifically hired and should have been so close that it would have been dificult for the lady to 'get way', if she was serious about committing suicide that changes things completely (may have 'bolted' when the divemaster turned away for a second, etc).

One last thing. I can guarantee you, 170ft is not a 'can't even think about it' depth to a divemaster/instructor in any location with a wall. However, that is at the beginning of the dive with everyone with a plan and experienced diving deep (not 'without a clue' and potentially looking to kill themselves).

I know I am only speculating about the divers motives, but it makes sense to me. I do feel sorry for all involved and hope the survivors can somehow recover.
I've been lurking on the board for quite a while following this thread.

Welcome and thanks for posting. I found much of what you said was worth reading , though largely as a contrast to this incident.

As far as we know, there's no indication of any suicidal talk or other actions pre-dive. That doesn't mean there was none, only that I don't recall a report about it here. I'm sure the investigators will have followed up on this line if there was any history to uncover.

Also, the victim was apparently in no great hurry to create separation. Unlike in your story, it would seem this DM had some amount of time to recognize danger in this situation and act in a decisive manner. Where your DM had virtually no opportunity to act, this DM acted, but the actions were ineffective. This victim apparently moved deliberately, but without great haste.

What does it all mean? I don't know, but it's a slightly different angle from which to view this scene.
Welcome and thanks for posting. I found much of what you said was worth reading , though largely as a contrast to this incident.

Also, the victim was apparently in no great hurry to create separation. Unlike in your story, it would seem this DM had some amount of time to recognize danger in this situation and act in a decisive manner. Where your DM had virtually no opportunity to act, this DM acted, but the actions were ineffective. This victim apparently moved deliberately, but without great haste.

I don't know. It looks to me like Mrs. Woods was trying to create separation.

Iwatched as the second diver whom I now know to be the DM try to get the attention of the first diver only to be pushed away. I then dropped to around 90ft to see what was going on. I could see the first diver (Mrs Wood) continue to swim down to what must have been around 110ft and seemed to have no intention of stopping, I looked on wondering what was happening and wondering what I was missing had they seen hammerhead sharks? I dropped lower to see if I could see what they had seen we were told pre dive that hammerhead sharks had been seen in the area so I didn't want to miss out if a diver had seen them. As I said it all seemed a little strange since the diver going so deep was in rental equipment so I dropped down to almost 100ft leaving my wife at around 60ft. I looked up and my wife was signaling me to come up and catch up with the group who were now quite a way ahead of us. I told her to stay where she was as there was something going on which didn't seem right to me. I could see the DM now hitting her tank with some thing and could see the second diver hitting their tank and could hear the constant signaling noise the 2 divers were at around 130 when I lost sight of them.
A dive master retained by the diver/husband attempted to stop her descent at approximately 100', and was seen pushing the DM away and continuing her descent.What ever happened to grabbing on and making diver or elf positive and ascending? may not have needed to come up very far in order to regain being alert.

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