You bet. They've already exhibited very poor judgement to get that far and are unlikely to get any smarter as narcosis increases.
If I found a new or inexperienced diver @140', especially a diver that had hired me as a "buddy", I would assume a mental defect of some sort and act accordingly to do my best to prevent injury or death.
In any case, with a DM having a single person as a buddy, this entire incident should never have happened. The real failure here is once again "buddy skills" and "buddy separation". The diver should never have been allowed to drop any significant distance below the planned depth, which would have made all of this a non-issue.
To clarify, i'm told the DM was charged with both Mr and Mrs. Wood. But as you go on to say restricting the charges depth to that previously agreed would have negated the danger preemptively....
Yes Steve, but the only thing i'd affiliate myself with closer than my friends is the honest truth.
I'm sorry if i paint the operation as holier than thou. (I dont know how holy you are...........

Of course it's not, i can tell you stories that'd curl your hair, even under the dive hood:blinking:
You are as entitled to your opinion as am i.
I'd again draw your attention to the number of actual reported accidents/dangerous incidents related to this operation (here on the "board" or anywhere), with specific reference to the number of clients serviced.
I've only heard of three in the last year or so. Bias or not, i hear most everything.
One of these was actually on an outer island (Andros) and on a chartered boat from SC's under the direction of a local dive operation. One was a snorkeller on the shark dive and the last was a heart attack. Only the heart attack vic actually expired.
I do try to stick to the facts. If you wish to ignore my posts i'll totally understand. S'your prerogative.
As i reiterate again.....i did not actually witness any of the events and only can attest to the characters involved in this instance.
I proffer the previous "report" only for conjecture and had hoped merely to "jog" Meg's memory into either substantiating or corroboration or denial of specific instances or in the hopes that onlyhalcyon will do the same in his own time.