According to George Irvine, you never put the primary on the LEFT post. Always on the RIGHT.
That makes sense to me as loosing your primary from a roll-off would be the first failure I would want to guard against.
I have:
- Primary
- drysuit inflator or secondary bc (when diving wet)
LEFT post
- Secondary
- bc inflator.
I deviated from Georges config because I found that the hose was too short when routed across from the RIGHT post. His reasoning for putting it there is not all that strong. I kind of also like the idea that I would be using gas from the LEFT post in normal operation and so if my BC inflater ran dry, but I could still breath, I would know I had a LEFT post issue, but could still maintain bouyancy with my drysuit (or secondary BC inflator).
Which direction your seals face is a matter of preference.