bullsh!t on cycles for steel tanks, even for aluminum. Luxfer takes their aluminum cylinders to 100,000 cycles to hydro pressure. For reference that means the tanks would get filled 3x/day to hydrostatic pressure *5000psi*, 365 days/year for 91 years before they would even think about having a problem, this has absolutely nothing to do with fill speed, or number of cycles, it is 100% operator error, I'm sorry if this is offensive, but if tanks are becoming obsolete in 3 years then you need to look in the mirror and at your staff, not the bottles.
Improper tank maintenance by the operators is what is killing your tanks. You aren't VIPing them often enough, tumbling them often enough, ensuring that you are utilizing proper filling procedures by blowing off the valve and blowing out the fill whip before filling the tanks, doing adequate compressor maintenance to ensure your filters have the moisture content low enough, etc. That blows salt and moisture into the bottles and eats them from the inside out. Hot dipping is going to do a God damned thing about that.
With Fabers you probably aren't cleaning them properly and removing the boots regularly enough to wash them off or touching the paint up when they get scratched so they rust from the outside in. Hot dip will help from that aspect, but not from the problems above.
Again, if your tanks are only lasting 3 years as a dive operator, then you need to check back in on your operation because you are abusing your equipment and frankly you saying that a 3 year service life for a steel tank has me real hesitant to consider renting any gear from you