athletes foot

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Windermere, Fl
After a day of diving last week I pulled off my bootie to find the worst case of athletes foot I've seen in my life. Gross Man!! I've used Lamisil and the new Lotrimin ultra and it has slowed things down a bit but only that. It's been a week and I'm running out of skin. Before I run off to the doctor any advice on getting rid of this mess? How would you disinfect your booites and all?:confused:
Are you certain about the diagnosis?

In any event, if the boots are way old, Walter's suggestion to toss em makes some sense.

If they have much use left, disinfect with such products as SaniZide Plus (Safetec; 1-800-456-7077),
Advance TBE (Infection Control Technology; 1-800-551-0735) &
Confidence Plus (Mine Safety Appliances Company; 1-800-MSA-2222). It's a good idea to do this periodically under any circumstances.

Best of luck.

her boots are brand spanking new... she is one of my newly certified OW students. Hey Deb... I have your c-cards and am holding them for ransom! :tease:
Seems to be a problem of humidity mainly as the fungus loves moist warm places. I just had an outbreak of tinea pedis (athlete's foot) while in Cozumel. I left nice dry cool Toronto with perfect feet and within two days in Cozumel I had athlete's foot under the fourth and fifth toes. This has happened before and the only difference in my footware is rubber sandals and fullfoot fins. As I usually anticipate this in hot humid enviromments I carry some Tinactin cream which in the past would clear it up in a few days. This time no go. Interestingly with stopping the cream on return to Toronto where it is dry again the rash in fifty percent better. I will start some Lamisil today.

So I would suggest changing socks twice a day to keep the feet dry, continue with the lamisil or lotriderm, and sprinkle or spray some Tinactin powder in your socks and day shoes especially if they are leather. Don't throw out your new booties!
No, I'm not sure of the diagnosis, I made the determination myself. Kind of hard not to come to this conclusion as the skin was bubbling off in sheets. YUCK Maybe just take a hot soak in Clorox or Lysol.
I picked up a nasty version during college in Japan - it finally got bad enough that I broke down and went to the local dermatologist whose first question was, "Did you use the XXX university's swimming pool?"
She treated it with an antifungal cream, UV, and told me to wear only 100% cotton socks, at least during treatment. She also told me that it is like mildew -- you can treat it when it appears, but it never really is gone, it's just waiting for the return of similar conditions to flourish again.
One additional thought -- after I get out of the shower or tub, I dry my feet off well, then use a short blast of the blow drier (sp?) on the area between the toes. Sounds weird, but it seems to work.
I was in the girls dorm and I always wear my sandles in the shower when camping with the kids. When we taking 'em again?

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