Athens Scuba Park--Have they installed the "Cave System" yet?

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Hello everyone,

I last dove @ Athens maybe 3 months ago......and bumped into a diver who knew the owner of the park. He told me 3 months ago that he'd be helping them install a man-made-cave-system into the quarry in the near future.

I've seen the pre-fab cave sections sitting in the parking lot for some time now.....(giant 5 foot diameter sections).
Has anyone heard about this 'project' ?

Any info would be would be nice if they added such a new attraction to the's been a while since they've added anything, so a "cave network" would be cool!

:) I wondered what those things were for!! I was there 2 weeks ago and they were still sitting there... and a friend of mine went last weekend and he didn't mention any construction work going on.
I believe its going to be done during the off season. Calvin (Owner) even has one of the signs that you typically see at the opening of a cave.

I've got mixed opinions about it.

I don't remember Shannon mentioning anything of this to me the last time I was there. I don't remember where Calvin was that time, but I never saw a sign for it.'s a shame they still haven't installed the 'caves' yet........I need a cool new reason to go back, as I've pretty much explored all the other UW objects.....but at least it sounds like it will be ready for next dive season, if it's done this winter.

.......TwoBitTexan, not being a cave diver, what exactly does the sign say?

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here!" or something along those lines? far as "mixed opinions", can you be more specific? Do you think it will be too dangerous? I doubt they will build anything some extent they already have 'overhead environments" at the park (school bus/large airplane) but I've never heard of any incidents with them.

I'm assuming the legal wavier everyone has to sign at all the local scuba parks pretty much makes it clear that each diver is legally responsible for their actions anyway.......which seems fair to me.
There was a long discussion on the boards last spring about the bus and plane at Athens and limited penetration. I fear the "cave" system will give people a false sense of security that they can handle penetrations with out proper training.

The sign, last I saw it was propped up against the back wall. It reads, if not exactly close to it, as the signs do at the entrance of the caves in Fl and Mx. Complete with grim reaper.

I do feel the best thing about the "cave" system will be the opportunity for people to work on and learn proper kicks. The silt being so light in Athens one bad kick and you leave a cloud behind you.

TwoBit I heard back from someone @ Athens Scuba Park ......the message reads:

" havent decided yet how i will put it together.
or when , but it will be pretty soon."

.....that's the whole message I got when I asked for details......not a lot of specifics.

I'd appreciate it if anyone else passes along anything else they hear about the 'project'.


P.S. ...I understand your point about people getting overconfident that they can handle a 'real' cave

.......but I tend to think anyone that anyone dumb enough to confuse steel tubing with a real world cave would probably be dumb enough to dive a real world cave regardless of whether or not they 'played' at cave diving at Athens.......

which isn't a good enough reason to oppose building a 'cave' at Athens for the vast majority of sane scuba divers that enjoy the park. Also, the 'cave' @ Athens might help scare off some divers who have thought about doing untrained cave diving, but getting scared a little @ Athens might persuade people to undergo real cave dive training before diving the 'real thing.
The biggest problem is they are steel tubes. Everyone knows what happens to steel in water. They should have been plastic or fiberglass to reduce liability. They put the first section in around June at dock #5. Everyone watch your hands, legs, ect. around the steel. Wear your gloves.
We obviously disagree.

I simply stated my reservations about the project. I know Clavin rather well. He is going to do what he wishes. I didn't state I opposed the project. I stated I had mixed opinions.

but I tend to think anyone that anyone dumb enough to confuse steel tubing with a real world cave would probably be dumb enough to dive a real world cave regardless of whether or not they 'played' at cave diving at Athens

I don't agree with this. As I stated I do believe it could give someone the over confidence to enter a situation they have not received proper training for.

Hi TwoBitTxn,

Well, since you don't oppose the project, and I don't either, it appears we don't disagree that much.

We both agree there is an element of risk, and the risk at the park is minimal.

Since I never plan to do cave diving myself, if the park is safe, I'm fine with that...a 'real' cave will never tempt me, although I respect those who enjoy cave diving, and I wish them well, it's just too dangerous for my personal taste.

I'm almost of the opinion that the whole idea of cave diving should be banned.....I think it's too dangerous regardless of training......for example, when one goes cave diving, what happens when poor divers follow you into the cave........who cares how careful you've been to not stir up the silt if someone can swim in behind you and muck it up......your personal cave training won't save you then.

I also think those quick-and-dirty resort certifications should be banned...I think it's insane to be able to zip people through such courses and then immediately do boat dives to 100+ feet of depth...but apparently that's perfectly acceptable to the certification me they're institutionalized the creation of "over confidence".

So, to my mind, the 'overconfidence issue' @ Athens is small potatoes compared to the perfectly accepted levels of over-confidence that nobody even blinks at these days.


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