I hear ya! At risk of having my post deleted (do it if you must!) I think it goes even further - and this thread is a good example!!!! I'm not trolling OR trying to start a fight BUT....as I read it, the whole thrust of the thread is in some kind of denial that anyone except a "DIR" person might have a valid answer to the question. THAT'S why I don't think the thread belongs in this forum.
Any suggestion that ANY answer is only worthwhile if it's from a "DIR" source only serves to bolster the perception of arrogance that many feel. (which is hardly ever justified IMO....but here seems to exist ((also IMO))...)
Please...correct me if I'm wrong, because I really don't know (and KNOW I don't)....but I think this so called "grey area" is simply grey for some DIR divers because DIR/GUE has never specifically addressed the issue - therefore there IS no "DIR" answer. On the other hand - other agencies have...and as Rick quite rightly pointed out...have adopted practices that are decidely "safe diving practice". The concept of which I think is absolutely DIR!!! (i.e. Doing It Right)
For those agencies there is no grey area....or at least if there is...it's a LOT smaller!