There's no recourse to reason possible here. You do not allow for it. At that point about all I've got left is flinging poo because you're not interested in rational discussion you just want to talk about the DIR divers all keeping you down.
And you changed the subject. This is your problem:
That is entirely your insecurities coming through. When a sentence on the Internet starts out "The way I read it..." that a very good indicator that what is immediately coming next is going to be horribly sloppy thinking or some straw man argument dreamed up by the poster that has no reflection to reality.
Nobody was denying that anyone else might have a valid answer to the question, or that the DIR answer was necessarily correct. The OP, however, was looking for an answer from a specific source. You twisted that into a position where the only possible answer is a DIR answer. The only place where that actually exists, though, is in your own head.
If you can't stop yourself from leaping off your mental rails like that, you need to either excuse yourself from this forum or forcefully be excused.
I think you are completely missing the point.
I am still waiting to see if there IS a specific answer to the OP's question. So far it seems unlikely, it certainly hasn't been forthcoming except for RTodd's answer:
"Technically, there is steadfast answer for this question too. No direct ascent - always run a line."
However - people are twisting the finality of the above to make "exceptions". Do you seriously expect me or anyone else to believe that just because a DIR trained diver makes an exception to a rule, that exception becomes the correct DIR answer?
Ergo - it's NOT a DIR answer and in that respect shouldn't be in this forum either.
If you weren't so busy leaping off your own mental rails and ranting about excluding people and starting yet more forums etc, then you might actually contribute to the discussion at hand, which quite simply is trying to establish what GUE/DIR defines as an overhead that needs a line. It's a perfectly reasonable discussion, and I for one am very interested in the answer (if there is one), and how it compares to definitions and practices of other training agencies.(although I'd make those comparisons elsewhere or in the privacy of my own head!
You'll note that I absolutely haven't posted any of those definitions in this thread - they aren't DIR. Consequently I still believe that this thread would have made far more sense in another forum. Just because a thread isn't in the DIR forum doesn't mean that it can't also have DIR answers in it.
To put quite simply RTodd summed it up in his very first comment in the thread:
"It is just too gray to answer".
That should have answered it right there.
However - I think that there IS more to it than that, but to discuss that would have meant moving the thread. The refusal to do that, or see the reason for it, (at least by some, including the OP) is what prompted my comments.
To accuse me of:
"you just want to talk about the DIR divers all keeping you down."
is a) seriously confusing me with someone else, and b) sounds like a persecution complex.
I can see that the original question was valid in this forum, so maybe moving the whole thread was not the best solution. Splitting it after RTodd's post might have made more sense.
Speculation is speculation, whether done by a "DIR" diver or anyone else. If it's not covered then quite simply it isn't covered, and then there IS no correct answer that fulfills the criteria of an acceptable answer here under the forum rules.......except RTodd's first comment.