Assault at 60 feet below in Mexico

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As the victim in this situation, it was beyond my wildest nightmares to think any such thing could happen. I was the only student on the open water course and the instructor removed my equipment and regulator at 60 feet and forced me to breath with his regulator........I am too upset to discuss other details with you. The instructor has been expelled from PADI and he was put in jail when I filed the police report in Mexico. It has been hell. His name is '--------------------' and you can find his name now posted on the PADI website.

Unfortunately too many people feel so embarassed or upset by these actions they don't talk about them or do anything. Also some people get repeated attacks, others never any. I have a friend who gets assulted frequently, once in a movie theater when I was sitting next to her by some guy named Chris, who tried molesting her. I halted it, the only time I recall hitting a person in the face. Another time we were sitting at a friend of mine's bar, watching baseball, and a local politician assulted her. Incredible.

I suspect that you were not his first victim, hopefully his last.

Most guys are normal, IMHO, and have difficulty believing this stuff goes on because to do such an act is on par with smearing poop all over one's face. Sexual assult is self-demeaning, and hard to understand why a man would do such a thing.

You showed the ability to stay collected and not panic under extremely harsh circumstances, which is a good thing should you decide to continue diving :)
I am so overwhelmed with all of your support. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to write me. You don't know how much this is helping me work through all of this...........many many thanks. There are a few of you who are wondering how this could possibly happen - especially underwater and if there were any warning signs beforehand......very good questions.

Without getting into "deeply personal details," I was taught during the course that putting equipment on and off in the water (Pacific ocean in my case) was part of the practical exam. This happened on two occasions. Once when I dove off the boat at the beginning of the exam and once again at 60 feet. The second one happened very suddenly and the instructor removed my equipment very quickly and I had no access to it (he was behind me diving when the assault began)...............................................................................I started to panic but I quickly gained my composure (I could have died and thought I might). My husband of 22 years has been a diver since 2002 and we both thought that this trip would be the perfect time for me to get qualified - given our busy schedules back home.

There were no visible signs as such at the time. Looking back, this was the only dive where the instructor didn't wear his wetsuit because he told me the water was very warm and he doesn't always wear it (the water was 86 degrees).......

THANK YOU SO MUCH ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT. IT REALLY MEANS THE WORLD TO ME....and we (my husband and I) are already planning a trip this summer to go back diving and attempt to put a closer to all of this....he will not prevent me from diving and he won't destroy my love for diving despite what happened.
Wow. Thank you for sharing. It must be really tough to be inudated with questions. I hope you can and do recover from this. Please be assured that what you experienced is not the norm, and is the exception rather than the rule. Good luck with your diving in the summer.
this makes me so mad, fonfon5... what a despicable, cowardly, mean-spireted person
he is. i am so sorry you have been hurt like this. i just can't understand how
people can use other people without a thought to the effect their actions have.
You showed the ability to stay collected and not panic under extremely harsh circumstances, which is a good thing should you decide to continue diving :)

I'll buy that one!

If you didn't bolt for the surface with this, you shouldn't have any problem at all solving normal problems.

this makes me so mad, fonfon5... what a despicable, cowardly, mean-spireted person
he is. i am so sorry you have been hurt like this. i just can't understand how
people can use other people without a thought to the effect their actions have.
Human "animals of prey", abusers can never be understood. My lady is a soc. pshyc. councilor at a mental /prison ward for adulescent girls. The horrid things that some really sick people, preying on those weaker than themselves do, cant be understood by the rest of society. We can only decide to act to stop the abuse and, as fonfon5 has done, ensure that these "animals" are reported and removed from positions where they hold power to hurt others. They have hurt others before: you can guarentee it, and if not stopped they will hunt other victems in the future. Fonfon5, you come across as a strong person, everyone is rooting for you! I hope you've inspired others to act as bravely as you have.
Again, I am so sorry that this bad experience happened to you. Thank you for having the courage to relate some details about the experience. I understand that this might be difficult, but your courage to get back in the water and to deal with this bad experience is a tribute.

Any man that has to behave like this instructor is ultimately a disturbed coward.

Just my 02
fonfon5, Thank you for sharing more of this terrible experience, it is good to raise more awareness of something such as this. It must be really hard for you, you are to be commended for being so strong and planning your next dive trip. As others have said, you are an inspiration. Not panicking in that kind of situation is a real achievement, and in normal diving circumstances you will have no worries at all, you must be a natural-born diver :). I hope nothing like this ever happens to you (or anyone) again.
That poor excuse for a human being should not be let out in public again, let alone a position of leadership or authority. I am sickened by this cowardly and despicable act.
First off - let me say how deeply sorry I am this happened to you, it is truly horrible!

I would also like to "Thank You" for your incredible courage in coming forward. Being a 2 time survivor of sexual assault myself, it is difficult to deal with and admit... even to our loved ones & closest friends, let alone a community of people we don't know or foreign authorities.

As a matter of fact.... I'm a female traveling "solo" to Huatulco this Friday and had been planning on "refreshing" my diving skills (too long out of the sea). You have just narrowed my choice down dramatically and have likely "single-handedly saved me" the nightmare of possibly going through another horrible experience, such as yourself!

Again, thank you so much for coming forward and bringing this incident into the public eye. If I do decide to get back in the water on this trip, I'll be sure to go with the other diving company I had been researching.

Best of luck with your therapy, you are doing the right thing and yes it does help tremendously. From one survivor to another: Good for you, you are not going to let him win and stop living your life as you should, just because of one idiot! We can never let another steal away our basic rights as human beings - happiness and freedom! Stay strong & good luck with your dive trip this summer!

Warmest wishes,
FonFon! I am so proud of you, that is the attitude towards a bright future.

God is with you, and our prayers too.

If you come back to Huatulco, see Hurricane Divers; Roberto has an impecable reputation.

I truly hope this guy is out of here, and that he stays in jail, where he belongs.

Gaby blue
"Jai Guru Deva Om...Nothing's gonna change my world"
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