Sorry I can't recall the exact reference - as best I remember it was a paper from the Dept. of Justice concerning traffic stops by State Police. If memory serves not all agencies were guilty, but some most definitely were, including a state I was living in.
Here in Hawaii, my observation of the problem suggests that the situation amongst the local police is very biased against young women and minorities. There's an almost twice weekly traffic enforcement effort (seatbelt, registration, insurance, safety inspection and speed) down the hill from where I live and I try to notice who has been stopped ... very few "respectable" white guys or older white women ... lots of Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, young attractive females, etc. Maybe that correlates with those who flaunt the law, I don't know for sure ... the police just waive hello to me and older guys like me who drive "clean" cars.
I love it when people quote things and then say they can't remember where they heard, read, or smelled it.
Could it be that the women that get pulled over because they ARE speed, or whatnot, and hope that their "good looks" will get them out of a ticket?
But I have a serious question for TJcop
Isn't it true that if a cop isn't wearing his hat you can get out of a ticket?
Sorry I had to ask that.