Tasers--KEEP EM!! I've been hit with one, trust me they work. Very effective tools.
You shouldnt need to have a permit in order to own a handgun that was handed down to you, but check with your local states rules regarding that and carring in the vehicle. Some states consider that concealed.
The best way to keep a cop at ease during a stop, which translates into an easier and more polite encounter for you, is be calm. Keep your hands on the wheel, so we can see where they are at. Turning on your interior light is good too, helps us see the inside of your car at night. Turn down your music. If you have any friends in the car, tell them to shut up and not act stupid. I've had more than one arrest come as a result of the passengers being so stupid and obnoxious that I started looking harder and found things. Just remimber if everyones calm you get to stay in the car, when people start act like *****es I'll pull you all out, so I might see that bottle under your seat, or the joint in your ashtray, you get the idea. Just use common sense.
We do go through regular training that includes refreshment on laws, but there are so many laws on federal, state, and local levels that are constantly changing, it might be a while before an officer hears about it or we can train on it. And some just fall through the cracks, we have a lot we have to train on, a lot on off duty time, so we have to be selective and chose whats going to be the most valuable.
I've always found it easy to take the crap that people throw out during stops just by remimbering one thing. No matter how big of a jerk you might be, I'm getting back in my car and going home, you might not be
Seriously, it can be very difficult at times, and I know we've all slipped and said or done something that we knew we probably shouldnt have.
You shouldnt need to have a permit in order to own a handgun that was handed down to you, but check with your local states rules regarding that and carring in the vehicle. Some states consider that concealed.
The best way to keep a cop at ease during a stop, which translates into an easier and more polite encounter for you, is be calm. Keep your hands on the wheel, so we can see where they are at. Turning on your interior light is good too, helps us see the inside of your car at night. Turn down your music. If you have any friends in the car, tell them to shut up and not act stupid. I've had more than one arrest come as a result of the passengers being so stupid and obnoxious that I started looking harder and found things. Just remimber if everyones calm you get to stay in the car, when people start act like *****es I'll pull you all out, so I might see that bottle under your seat, or the joint in your ashtray, you get the idea. Just use common sense.
We do go through regular training that includes refreshment on laws, but there are so many laws on federal, state, and local levels that are constantly changing, it might be a while before an officer hears about it or we can train on it. And some just fall through the cracks, we have a lot we have to train on, a lot on off duty time, so we have to be selective and chose whats going to be the most valuable.
I've always found it easy to take the crap that people throw out during stops just by remimbering one thing. No matter how big of a jerk you might be, I'm getting back in my car and going home, you might not be